
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ScareCrow813, Sep 2, 2011.

  1. ScareCrow813

    ScareCrow813 Forerunner

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    This map is a symmetrical BTB map. It is designed for Warthog and Revenant battles. It is also the next addition to the Phobia series.

  2. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    id add ramps to the circle buildings... replace the glass walls with the collosium walls... remove some of the expensive pieces and try to get creative. this is a good map, but it needs some detail.

    try deleting most or all of the vehicles. this map seems like it would be fun without them and you can use the extra budget
  3. Khozi

    Khozi Forerunner

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    you got it all wrong. even with those things he still has enough budget to add things without deleting anything. i disagree with changing the walls also. it looks good the way it is its more eye catchy.
  4. ScareCrow813

    ScareCrow813 Forerunner

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    DUDE!!! Do you not know what BTB is, you NEED vehicles for that i designed it for vehicles. Khozi, yeah i put the Window coliesums because they look better than the Wall coliseum. Thank you for the comments.
    #4 ScareCrow813, Sep 3, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2011
  5. Landderp

    Landderp Forerunner
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    Now now lets be friends. anyway i Downloaded and played this as is and honestly....it...was....really good. Yea i Liked the way it played. Sure there could be a bit more cover but i like it over all good job on the map. Kudos
  6. firedune

    firedune Forerunner
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    you sure about those revenants? I played a game and they seem a llitte overpowered to the 'hogs... I find that Rocket Hogs nicely compliment revenants though...
  7. ScareCrow813

    ScareCrow813 Forerunner

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    Thank you Lannders and Firedune for meanungful feedback. Lannders, Glad you liked the map and was the cover on the sides the main problem?? firedune do you mean put rocket hogs in stead of normal hogs or instead of revenants?
  8. firedune

    firedune Forerunner
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    Rockets instead of default. The chaingun (technically a Vulcan cannon) can only get a revenant if it has a lot of space, which this map does not have. The revenant has the advantge due to strafing ability, and it's blinding effect on infantry.

    Also, you might want to nerf the ghost... It was trolling oround the outer ring of the map, getting tons of spatters. That could just be because our team sucked though...
    #8 firedune, Sep 3, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2011
  9. PhantomStrike

    PhantomStrike Forerunner
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    Ok man, this map is really well done and gets my attention. #1 though, you use to many premade buildings, if you were to add more of walls and platforms and stands to compliment your map it may play a lot better for the base round, a more diverse map would be aprreciated like a second floor? #2, vehicles. You should replace the revanant all together due to making it hard for both the warthogs and infantry to take control. Whoever gets ahold of the revanant(s) wins the game pretty much because the opponent won't have as much of a chance against it. Try leaving a turrent warthog, a rocket hog, 1 ghost, and 2 mongooses. #3, weapsons, I notice that with that many vehicles, people need to have someway to counter vehicles. I suggest putting plenty of plasma gernades and plasma pistols, grenade launcher, and 1 plamsa launcher or rocket launcher in the middle. Good map, a very basic yet well balanced and a verl well made maps, good effort. Also, how bout calling the phobia series instead a map pack. Plenty of people do it, but very few have accomplished such a feat to succeed, ex. Conquest Map Pack, Deprived Map Pack, Endgame Map Pack, etc.
    #9 PhantomStrike, Sep 4, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2011
  10. ScareCrow813

    ScareCrow813 Forerunner

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    Thank you both for taking your time to comment on this. I will try my best to try to make my own structures and i will try out the Rocket hog instead of the machine gun or i will try phantoms way and see which one works better.
  11. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    I would say more buildings, structures, decorative etc..
    This is easily spawn campable with a hog, revenant, and any power weapons, on the map.
    But I'm not the best for criticism, Maybe go to the Testers guild.
    But overall, i like the map.
  12. ScareCrow813

    ScareCrow813 Forerunner

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    Well when i played there was no spawn camping, because they can spawn behind you.
    NO, i am not going to the tester's guild, i posted this map on there twice and others that got posted after me got tested and this one did not, nor did my other one gephyrophobia.
  13. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
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    Yeah, it's hard to get a map tested by them.
  14. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Well their are so many maps, and not enough people to fulfill them. The RH is at a full stop (from requests) because of that also.
  15. ScareCrow813

    ScareCrow813 Forerunner

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    well no they are not because they were testing every other map but mine, like i posted mine than somebody else would post 1 day later and his would get tested instantly, and they were both BTB.

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