personally i think that the covenant arsenal is missing something? well it needs a shotgun i allways imagend it in my mind when ever i was an elite in normal infection i was pissed that the covenant didn't have one so i made this as my first thread . so here you can post your opinions about the idea how it should look how much ammo and how powerfull it is i hope that it comes into halo 4 or another halo game.
Maulers (Halo 3 only), Energy Swords, and Gravity Hammers can all be counted as covenant equivalents to the shotgun, mainly because they only work if in close ranged combat, and are most effective, the closer the wielder is.
Considering Elites have calves the size of a persons head, I'm pretty sure the need for a shotgun is not necessary when you can just kick someone in the face. Besides that, there's the Sword and the Brutes have the Hammer. Also, the Mauler is more of a pistol that fires nuclear bombs than a shotgun, though I do wish it was in Reach as more of a sidearm type of weapon, like the Magnum.
um no offence but the gravity hammer and sword should be counted as melee weapons. gravity 'Hammer" energy "sword" And the mauler pretty much was a covie shotgun. Although something more with a longer barrel would be nice, But I think is was a brute created weapon correct? And the brutes were pushed back into a more untechnological age so.
Mmmm...brings back memories...I loved that pit. Wish maulers came back in Halo 4. Though I don't know what will replace suicide grunts and plasma grenades...
The mauler was no more overpowered than the shotgun. 10 feet away or more and both are useless against anything else. I don't miss the mauler, though it was a cool weapon. So I'd say NO, we don't need one. The sword and hammer are not alternative shotgun alternatives. They are a completely different class altogether.
Counterparts don't necessarily mean they need to be in the same class of weapon. To be dead honest, I consider the Needler to be more comparable to the shotgun. Even if it isn't functionally identical to one, it doesn't have to be as I'd rather take variety over the "here's a human weapon, now here's a version of it with a purple skin but with PLASMAAAA" formula any day of the weak. Also, the Hammer and Sword aren't counted as melee weapons in the games code since they use the damage settings of projectile weapons and grenades instead of melee damage settings. Lol wat? A Hammer and Swords effective range is nearly identical to the Shotguns instant kill range. How does that not constitute as an alternative?
The hammer has a damage drop off that makes it almost identical to the shotgun, but with a slightly wider damage angle compensated for by an almost negligible decrease in range. I've tested this in both Halo 3 and Halo Reach.
The hammer and sword are by definition melee weapons. Whatever damage settings they use in the game doesn't matter. You HIT with them, you don't shoot them. If they worked like a melee they wouldn't be used, because there would be no advantage. Know what words mean when you use them. And the thread was about a covie shotgun. During gameplay they are alternatives if you are going up against someone with a shotgun, but they are not a covie shotgun. that was my point. Also, the needler isn't even close to the shotgun. Come around the corner face to face with a shotgun carrier while you have the needler and you're dead. How you could compare the two is beyond me.
Semi of topic but I remember in the last few weeks of Halo 3 I would run around with a mauler/pistol combo. Effective **** right there.
I'd have like a Covy (non-power) weapon that was engineered to be effective against health/vehicles instead of shields. It could be of Brute design and called the Shredder or something. It would fire only in semi-auto bursts and have a 1.5x scope, making it an excellent semi-close to mid-range weapon.
Im only going to enter this argument to interject with the opinion that this thread should have been ended with Pyro's first post. The Mauler is a Brute weapon, and the Brutes are part of the Covenant. Hence, an equivalent to the shotgun. Case closed. That is all.