Death Pit Three rounds, one life elimination. The map is in the simple shape of a ring. The middle of the ring, however, happens to be a pit of fiery death and destruction! Everyone is armed with a gravity hammer. Although it cannot cause damage, it is an excellent tool for knocking others into the pit, or assasinating them. Bubble shields, deployable covers, flares, and gravity lifts litter the small space available to walk on. If you feel like taking chances, you may jump across the ring in the hopes of attaining the anti-gravity powerup hovering in the center. Jumping over the fiery pit of doom for a powerup: The ring: Map Gametype All of my maps: RISK Board Game Special Ops. Pirates Boarding Action 2 Battlefield Wraith Escape Death Pit Sprint
There's already a map variant made by Bungie (I think it was Thug Larz specifically, or something) called Death Pit. Wow. How'd you post all of your maps so fast? Anyways, I think your maps are fun, but rather simple, and rely a little on 'honor rules'. Also, I thought fusion coils travel through shield doors? That makes the shields on top a little redundant.
hes right how did you post them so fast. did you open multiple windows or something. this looks like a reverse sumo; where you have to try and stay out of the center. its a good concept i think.
Nope, the canisters do not travel through shield doors, but occasionally, though very rarely, one make make it over a shield door. And I fixed every map so that they do not require 'honor rules.' You play with what you've got. If you try to do it differently, you will either not be able to do it, or you will be at a disadvantage. And yeah, I noticed after I posted it that there was already a Death Pit. Oh well. Should have named it Pit of Doom. Whatevs.
This looks like it might pass as a decent 1v1 map, anything else than that and its really crowded and not much fun.
Looks like a very fun epic map but could use some interlocking to help gameplay seem smoother. All together looks fun, i would have made it a little bigger
this map was posted in january. It was somehow found after being innactive for over 10 months. it's creator isn't active anymore. closed.