Cassytha Cassytha is a map made by Scobra and me for the $5000 budget contest. Cassytha first started out as a giant tube floating over the water that Scobra had made. I suggested we move the whole thing to Montana and build a map in there. He was like "chyeah" and so we moved the whole frickin thing to Montana. We started building the start of some kind of map that I don't think either of us knew where was going. Then I think I said that we should re-imagine Sassafras. Scobra was like "chyeah" and we started building. For those of you who weren't around for Halo 3 or don't remember Sassafras, it was a map in the crypt of Sandbox that focused on the radical idea of having two banshees in the crypt. I must say that we succeeded in making a balanced map good for around 12 players. Here's a couple of images of Sassafras: We definitely wanted to keep the main design of the center structure and keep the banshees. That was basically the main design behind Cassytha. Since Cassytha was in a tube, however, the map ended up being a little more elongated than Sassafras, but the tube still provides the hindrance to the banshees that the crypt did in Halo 3. We were able to make the bases a lot larger and more complex than in Halo 3 since we didn't have the limitations of the crypt walls. Enough talking, here's some images of Cassytha. And yes, like I said, this map is for the $5000 budget contest. It definitely doesn't look it, but we have $5010 left. We'll hopefully be testing this right up until the submission deadline of August 31st. Enjoy!
I like the big circle a lot, and I mean a lot a lot, but I cannot predict how those Banshees are going to play...I assume it's going to be overpowering like always... Best of luck in the competition!
Hmm, this certainly looks impressive from a distance, if less so from up close. Still, coming from you guys, i would expect it to play rather well, and that combined with the cool circle thing should be enough to make the map pretty awesome.
Not going to say you're wrong in that they'll be overpowered, but personally, I think they'll be a little underpowered. Especially when you factor in how much the DMR can hurt the Banshees compared to the BR, and the addition of vehicle health.
I like the aesthetic touches you out in your map. And as for the banshees I would have to agree with Scobra.
Looks pretty good but there seems to be a very long line of sights and it may become a problem personally.
The angle of the pics really don't showcase the sight lines as well as they could. I'm positive that there's more than enough cover on the map. I only would've been concerned if we would have put Snipers on this map instead of Focus Rifles like the original had.
Scobra and I got a couple of games on this last night (Slayer and CTF). It played pretty well, but there were definitely things to be addressed, mainly the banshees. We nerfed the banshees some more and provided a little more structural cover from both high vantage points and banshees. Hoping to get some more games on it this weekend so people on my friends list, look for invites please.
So were gonna run some tests and do some customs right now if anyone wants to join and help out. If not, that's cool too. Except not really. You're only cool if you join and halp.
Is there a thin hard kill zone in the very middle of the perimeter of the cylinder to, because if not, I could imagine banshees skipping through around the sides to get to the enemy base since soft kill zones take 10 seconds to kill.
There's a big tube-shaped soft kill. Banshees can get around the tube but we wanted that to be an option.
You forgot to mention that you can't just fly around the outside non stop. You have to wait a bit inside the map before you fly around the perimeter again. It's a risk vs reward thing.
Very unique concept. I had a question: how accessible is the top of the round bunker in the last pic? It looks like the only way up there is from the back inclines. Is there a ramp or grav lift I'm not seeing? BTW, mad props for making a 12-player map with only half-budget.
The front of the red base has a rock path/cave structure. We have recently updated the map to cut off a sightline which also serves as sort of a rocky jump up/ramp in the front to mimic the grass plateau at blue base to an extent.