I could say the same for Halo, if that's what you're implying. Halo didn't invent Infection, nor did it KOTH. So... Anyway, I think the game is shaping up to be pretty damn good. I'm genuinely excited for it after seeing all the new changes for it. It's like Infinity Ward are actually trying to make a different game. The streakpoints thingy system looks great.
Possibly the worst argument in favor of CoD. There is never a lack of room for innovation and creativity. Developers can always push forward and always invent/reinvent. All CoD does is refine what they have already built. And there is nothing wrong with that. However, they need to switch to a subscription based model and update on a continuous basis, or something along those lines. I'm getting tired of being asked to pay $60 every year for improvements, rather than new gameplay.
Stuff that's now been confirmed now: Killstreaks *After you reach your highest killstreak, the counter will reset to 0, allowing you to get multiple sets of killstreaks in the same life. Assault Killstreaks *Killsteaks Stack (only in the same life) 3 - UAV 4 - Care Package 5 - IMS - Bouncing Bettys immune to disruption devices 5 - Predator Missile 5 - Sentry Gun 6 - Precision Airstrike 7 - Attack Helicopter 9 - Strafe Gun - Call in 5 helicopters to strafe and attack for a limited time 9 - Little Bird Guard - Control a mini chopper to attack and spot enemies 9 - Reaper - Air-controlled Predator Missile x5 10 - Assault Drone - Miniature remote controlled tank 12 - AC-130 12 - Pave Low 15 - Juggernaut - Gain advanced armor package for a limited time 17 - Osprey Gunner - Be a gunner of a helicopter that drops care packages for teammates. Support Package *Dying does not reset your killstreak counter 4 - UAV 5 - Counter UAV 5 - Ballistic Vests - drop a crate of armored vests for teammates to pick up 5 - Airdrop Trap - A care package which will explode when picked up by the enemy team 8 - SAM Turret 10 - Recon Drone - Controllable UAV to detect enemy positions 12 - Remote Turret - Manually controlled Sentry Gun 14 - Stealth Bomber 18 - EMP 18 - Juggernaut Recon 18 - Escort Airdrop - An Osprey helicopter delivers and defends multiple care packages to teammates. Specialist Package *Specialist includes all four Streaks. Dying resets gained perks. 2 Kills - An Extra Perk 4 Kills - Another Extra Perk 6 Kills - Another Extra Perk 8 Kills - All 8 perks unlocked Perk Tier 1 Extreme Conditioning – Sprint longer distances + Climb obstacles faster Sleight Of Hand – Reload faster + Faster weapon swapping Scavanger – Reload ammo from bags + Spawn with more ammo Blind Eye – Undetectable from air support + Faster launcher lock on and extra damage to air support Recon – Explosive damage marks target on HUD + Bullet damage marks target on HUD Tier 2 Hardline – One less kill for Killstreak + Two assists count as a kill towards next killstreak (Like) Assassin – Immune to UAV, Motion Sensor, Thermal and Heartbeat Sensor + Immune to CUAV & EMP Overkill – Two primary weapons + Second primary can have 2 attachments Quickdraw – Faster aim down sights + Faster animation of using equipment and throwing grenade Blastshield – Immune to most explosives + Immune to stuns and flashes Tier 3 Sitrep – Enemy equipment is visible + Enemy footsteps are more clear Dead Silence – Your footsteps are silent + No fall damage Stalker – Faster movement with ADS + Delay on claymores Marksman – ID target from range + Longer hold breath on scoped weapons Steady Aim – Increased hip fire accuracy + Faster aim down sight while sprinting
Does anyone know whether killstreaks count as kills toward your streak? I really hope not... that was one thing blops did well.
People are going to gravitate to Assault Killstreaks, but that's not to say that it's the better package for winning a game, or even getting more kills. Support and Specialist Killstreaks make you less likely to die, and any team using them effectively will probably block other teams from getting Osprey Gunner, e.c.t.
After watching the video it seems that they have tried to listen to fans, and fix some of the problems from MW2. That being said, I am not sold on killstreaks kill counting toward more killstreaks, I would have to agree with Saltine that this is a bad idea. IMO, that is what made MW2 bad. I was not a huge fan of Black Ops, but they did do that part right.
The Modern Warfare 2 chopper gunner was an 11 kill killstreak, while the Osprey Gunner requires 17 kills. The Assault Package isn't overpowered at all.
You see, I think double Xp is a great idea. And the prestige shop actually makes prestiging worthwhile. Not sure how the Unlock Gear is going to work. Said gear better not be overpowered weapons or whatever.
That would be great. Also, you can't unlock everything? That sucks. The ability to 100% it would be cool. Not that I'd probably get to such a high prestige. If it's a genuinely good game like it's shaping up to be, I probably wont even hit 5th. Then again, I probably would if it grabbed both the double XP's... I like the added depth. It's good, I'm really happy to see that they're actually adding so much new. And the new killstreaks excite me. Just in case I've read it wrong, when you die using support streaks, they don't reset?
Spoiler looks like Camo is back and done right again lol. (stupid blops ruined it.) Desert Arctic Woodland Digital Urban Blue Tiger Red Tiger Fall Would have been nice for some new camo's though.
maybe just one more... seeing as people will be spending even longer with one gun because of the proficiency thing.