My first and current car is a 2001 Honda Accord with 94k miles on it. Beautiful car, runs nice, good on gas. Nothin too flashy but it's gets the job done.
lol if you can afford 24k im sure you can get whatever you want and it wont matter niggas got you mad *edit tell ya what, I'll sell you my car for 14k
Most people are 50/50 on this. I think its better than having silver painted hubcaps, whats the difference if it's another color? Besides it's only until I can afford the rims I want. And it's better than the baddies who rock steelies in summer. I'm also waiting on a nice day to smoke the tail/head lights similar to how this looks:
it's not even like it looks bad, even if that individual thought it did, who gives a ****? it's your car. looks fresh with the lights n windows blacked out.
EFF HUBCAPS! I'd rock steelies before any type of hubcap any day! But like Dunkin said, who cares what I think? If you like it rock it!
I disagree, because if you don't know how to drive economically it won't do you any good. For a first car just get a cheap junker, then gradually improve...Unless you have more money than brains then buy a decent small vehicle.
So, for gas mileage and things like that, I was thinking somewhere along the lines of a Hyundai Elantra? I think my price is going down... slowly... very slowly... but surely.
Mileage doesn't matter all that much, because it's all in how you drive. Top Gear proved this by getting a higher mileage out of a BMW M3 than a Toyota Prius.
Not really. You have to know how to drive a car with good gas mileage, and I doubt you do. (No offense) I drive a 1994 Honda Civic. It'll go for days and will never break down on you. They're cheap and easy to maintain, and if you're Asian, well, then you've hit the ****ing jack pot. Of course I'm not Asian, but that's beside the point. The point is it costs me 30 dollars to fill it up. With these gas prices, that's ****ing amazing. Especially if you live in my current financial situation.
Civics have been the most prominent and sought after cars when it comes to gas mileage and reliability. They are a solid choice for a good first car.