I believe the majority of the matchmakers have lost their since of humour and started getting serious lately. I don't believe they've even notice that it's just a game and there's no reason to be getting serious over. This is why I don't go to matchmaking that often.
I'm in no way competitive in the way that I'm sitting there pouting over my kill/death ratio in slayer games. I concern myself more with winning and good game playing. I play the game and do my thing to help my teammates in whatever way I can. When people go into matchmaking and drive you off of cliffs, push you off of ledges, pout over not getting a specific weapon or vehicle, etc... that's just spoiled rotten behavior. If people want to have fun, go into a custom game and screw around to their heart's content. It has no place being in matchmaking where you're affecting other people's game. I go into matchmaking expecting a certain level/quality of play. The griefers lower that quality/level of play.
I can't stand the way betrayal's work. No Ryhme or reason what so ever. You accidentally run a teammate over: insta-booted. Your teammate walks up and sticks you, he can stay. Also, I hate when people do just about everything but actually kill you. Follow you around taking your shield down basically disabling your whole game. The best part is if you quit to get away from it Bungie says shame on you. Ahhhhhhhh. Soooo Frustrating. I have probably submitted over 10,000 player reviews since I've been playing Halo. Thank god people get new accounts all the time. (Xbox Live idiot recycling system) Add me if your looking for quality FUN competitve Halo.
lol personally I set my psych to talkative, with winning for motivation, and roudy so I get the most annoying try hards possible to talk trash to. It makes Halo that much more worth putting in the xbox.
The betrayal system takes betrayals from earlier games into account. So if you (for example) betrayed 3 people in the last 5 matches you've got a higher chance of being able to be booted. And I still don't get why people think that back in the day the community was better. The internet has always been filled with douchebags and the like. Stop wearing those rose-tinted glasses.