
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Wraith2098, Aug 31, 2011.

  1. Wraith2098

    Wraith2098 Forerunner
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    This is my submission for the 5000 budget contest.

    I was originally going to throw this map in the garbage, but I figured I could keep it around for sake of the contest. Really nothing to special about the map, just a good old fashion 4v4 map. The only real stand out on the map is the gravity lift, people seem to enjoy it a lot.

    daboiboibert did some last second editing to the map before I could upload it. The original version had a couple towers and a different structure near the gravity lift as seen below,
    Among other adjustments to the stairs, some rock changes, and a few other minor adjustments.

    I don't expect this map will even place in the contest, but it is at least some extra work for judges to get their hands dirty on.

  2. Lolwut Flying

    Lolwut Flying Forerunner

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    Well, this is OKAY, but the top of the buildings (say in the last picture) is made of WAY too many pieces, and the map lacks aesthetics (good job on the stairs though). Oh, And the outside of the tunnels does not look very appealing and I would suggest not using the "Building" pieces as Buildings themselves or it looks very non- original (unless they're in a very large BTB map).

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
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    I agree with Lolwut Flying. By deleting those stairs, and just adding some ramp peices, you could add some budget back up for some decent aesthetics, I'd also suggest evening the angles of the grav lift arc.
  4. Wraith2098

    Wraith2098 Forerunner
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    Thanks guys, appreciate the feedback.

    I really just want to scrap the map and move on. Its been nothing but problems from day one. I think I would rather just move onto something new and fresh. Only reason I released the map was to give some support for the 5000 budget contest. The more the merrier I figure.
  5. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    im honestly just downloading this map just so i can try to lift tunnel... looks kinda fun, lol. map definately needs work.
  6. Wraith2098

    Wraith2098 Forerunner
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    yep, maybe I'll incorporate it into a more complete map haha
  7. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    If you read the description above the last picture that you're describing, you'd realize that he was showing the old version before DUCK NG and I went in and pretty much demolished that building, which is apparent from all the other pictures.

    I agree about the stairs and tunnel (though I give you credit for trying out such a bold lift design), but alas I agree more with Wraith's decision to simply move on. Your next map will certainly be better. I'm eager to play on this now and see how the changes play out, even if you don't have any desire to keep fixing it up.
    #7 Frozenlynx, Sep 1, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2011
  8. Wraith2098

    Wraith2098 Forerunner
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    I believe Duck NG was just demolishing us with a sniper while we tweaked out the map haha.

    I've done a little bit since uploading the map and I'll probably tweak it every once and a while just because it bugs me to have such an empty feeling about the map. I'm working on a new map now though and it looks like it might suck a good few months out of me at least so we'll see how much more work gets done. I'll at least make it playable so we can test the new layout. I would have done it before releasing the map, but I had to leave and wouldn't be back in time to upload it for the contest so I was forced to upload as is.
  9. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    I think adding some rocks that give cover to the empty area and perhaps a few columns will help alleviate that open feeling, while still making it more risky to go for Rockets. You could even add a roofed in area again, but still not have it take up the entirety of that section.

    The changes I made were more to help you get start on improving the map; there are definitely things I'd keep doing to improve it if it were my map.
  10. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    The map looks really cool with the middle sturcture, but its like you put a low amount of effort and originality for the other parts of the map. The curve is sweet, but thats really all that is impressing. And from other peoples posts, You should put up some pictures of the newest version so we could see the newest. I dont feel like downloading and checking it out at the moment.
  11. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    DUCK NG is kind of a bad-@$$.

    As for the map, it just looks plain. Your basic 2 base map with a center structure (however that lift tunnel is interesting...)
  12. Wraith2098

    Wraith2098 Forerunner
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    I've done some pretty decent upgrades to the map since it was uploaded (about 2,500 credits worth of updates so far). Since 5000 credits is no longer my limit I have been expanding on the scenery of the map and have improved the overall detail of the map. I'll have the map updated, but not sure when exactly that will be. I'll go ahead and put my new project aside and finish this one off.

    I like the idea of adding more cover to the rocket area, but not too much cover. Good suggestion, I'll mess around with that tomorrow.

    Thanks again for the feedback guys, I think a few fresh eyes/ideas is just what I needed to get a little more inspiration.

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