I have noticed that lately there have been very few map posts. I was wondering if it was because of school or what? Come on guys, I wanna rate some maps!!
^ LOL That's true fax. Your kind of being hypocritical when you don't post some maps of your own and then whine at others to post theirs.
Just because there hasnt been the usual flooding of maps doesnt mean there is anything bad. Many good maps are out, recently out, or updated, but nobody seems to notice I think(Not to mention the ones being made right now, that have much time being put into them before release, and not a 24 hour build). For instance my last two maps, my best 2 ever to be released in my opinion, got about 2 comments. Some people just dont care if they wont get any feedback once it is released, in fact the newbies who do everything possible wrong gt more feedback than many. There is also some bad feelings about this site for some of us. A few feel this place is a massive popularity contest, where the staff and most known members get it all then the rest of us are left to have withering threads. There wass a time when I decided I would not again post a map here, as my best criticism as obvious facts that I had said in my initial post. Luckily I found a few friends and they are the only thing keeping me here. This is my take on your matter. If you want to go seem some good maps check out a few pages of them. Im sure you'll stumble upon something nice and nearly or very recent.
Reach is an old game now. The forge inspiration is on the wane. It's not necessarily a bad thing - truly good maps released now have a somewhat reduced chance of getting lost in the flood.
I'm actually glad the flood of maps has slowed considerably. Most of them were terrible anyways... All good maps take a lot of time to be truly ready for release. And I know of several that are currently in that process. Patience young one!
I'm superhappy that the crapmaps have slowed. Srsly, you dun make maps in a day. Unless you're Ace. But he's a pro.
I've only released one map in Reach, and it wasn't even my own design. It was a remake. But I'm working on something that'll hopefully turn out to be something great, no idea when it will be finished though.
But I liked saying things about the map that had that dreaded yet helpful term known as 'criticism'! Just kidding, but I do agree. There haven't been that many maps lately. Maybe two or three each day, five tops. Maybe some one single day of the month should be called "The Flood", where everyone posts their map that they've been working on for the past month. Maybe it could be the first saturday of each month, and the post has to be UP TO STANDARDS! (sorry, rookies.) Seriously, though, I've seen rookies that have no idea what they are doing when they first join. They post shitty threads that have no pics and a horrible description.
True story. Except I've only released like 6 maps. I'm glad the mass influx is slowing down. Like someone else pointed out, it gives the truly good maps a better chance to get noticed.
I pretty much never post any of mine. I've completely well over 20 maps but only have released like 3? By the way, do you just try to get your thread count up or do you just really have this many questions and random topics to talk about? Not trying to be mean, but everytime I see your threads they usually seems that they are somewhat pointless.
I want quality not quantity of maps. I have refrained from even posting any maps because of fear of been flooded to next page in 5 minutes.
Like many others have said I don't think it's a bad thing that the submission of maps has slowed. Many of the best maps take time to build, test, and tweak to get them just right. Also with it being about the time that school is starting/has started for everyone there is going to be a decrease in activity all around. Personally it will be awhile before I release anything new, since my newest has only had slight testing. Also i've been trying to update some previous maps with feedback that i've received, because I don't consider a map done after it's first release.
I've lowered my forge use because of deus ex, but I can't help thinking that lowering the amount of maps being released will help stop great maps from being overlooked. (insert bitter remark about people ignoring mendicant when it has had nothing but fantastic reviews grumble grumble grumble)
i havent released any because theyre still in testing but they will just start flowing out soon. but yeah school is a factor for me.