Stingray Stingray is my very first attempt at a Competitive Team-Slayer map. With Stingray players are fighting on a small island, and it's a very close quarters style of map. In the middle of the map is an odd kind of structure that has weapon spawns inside of it. The weapon spawns are below. x2 DMR x2 Shotgun x4 Plasma Grenade There are also two explosive weapons hidden on the map. Find these weapons and your team may come out with an advantage. x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Fuel Rod Gun Here is an overview of Stingray. In the center you can see the structure I spoke about above and on both sides we have Red Base, and Blue Base. Each base has Portable Shields in-front to provide cover for players. The gravity lifts at the sides can provide for a sneaky, and efficient entrance towards the opponent's base. Don't try going on any lower ledges below the Gravity Lifts because you will die. Here we have Red Base. It's pretty self explanatory. This is where the Red Team spawns. Like mentioned above, each of the bases have two Portable Shields in-front to provide cover for both teams. Use them wisely. Then we finally have Blue Base. This is where the Blue Team spawns. Portable Shields, the works. Same description and aesthetics as Red Base, so I don't really need to say much here. ---- Like I've mentioned, Stingray is my first attempt at a Competitive Map. With the comments, and criticisms I hope to receive I'll improve on the map, and do any suggestions that people feel would increase the playability and enjoyment of the map. I do plan on incorporating different game-modes, but right now I feel like Team Slayer fits this map the best.
Well I hate to be a carping curmudgeon who hasn't even downloaded your map but I can forsee some pretty big issues with the weapon set as it stands, unless you made some typos. One DMR and one needle rifle don't seem like very much to go around eight people, and I sincerely doubt that rockets AND a sniper AND a frg AND a hammer AND a sword are going to play very well on a map of that size. I'd suggest trying something like sniper/rockets/sword, since those three weapons all fit different gameplay categories. One single plasma grenade seems pretty measly between eight players too, but maybe you just really really hate grenade spam? Weapon sets can make or break your map so I'd suggest you rethink this one unless there's something I'm missing
Did some tweaking, and changed the weapons up a bit. Feels more balanced imo. Which means the newly updated map can now be downloaded.