
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Oli The G, Aug 31, 2011.

  1. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    Cartographer has taken me in total about 12 hours of forging to create. The first person to play it, when asked what he thought described it in two words; ****ing epic. :) Since then the map has come on leaps and bounds. It plays best with 8 or 10 players, although more or less is fully supported, and can be rather interesting.

    The name was taken from the inspiration for this map; Halo CE's level "The Silent Cartographer" I originally thought car0graph, but then I realised there was a lot of negative press associated with it ;)

    Action Shot!

    I took inspiration from the silent cartographer in the map rooms. Whilst playing through the CE demo on PC, I realised how good the areas would be as play spaces. However, There were many different floors, and because I adapted them to suit multiplayer, I cannot call this map a remake. It feels very close to Halo CE, even when using armour abilities. As such I recommend using Classic gametypes, especially as the jet-pack acn be a bit... overpowering.

    To demonstrate the similarities here are a few select mouseovers (These pictures are slightly outdated, or from early builds):





    I have also adapted Stevo's spawning method, and spawning works flawlessly on Cartographer. Expect to spawn near your teammates, but far away from the enemy, and expect to re-orientate yourself very quickly, and get back in the fight.

    The entrance to the original map room has been doubled up, and now serves as bases, with incredibly sexy doors!



    Weapon List:

    DMR x 2
    Pistol x 3
    AR x 2
    Grenade Launcher x 1
    Energy Sword x 1
    Frag Grenade x 2
    Plasma Grenade x 1
    Health Pack x 2

    Other Screenshots​

    Power weapon number one: The Larch (aka the energy sword)


    Overlooking the facility


    Overview of central area & centrepiece


    Overview of the map

    #1 Oli The G, Aug 31, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2011
  2. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
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    This brings back really fond memories: when I was modding CE, I spent a lot of time in the Silent Cartographer. I'm really happy to see someone took the time to bring that back (even if it is a few games down the line). And yes, you nailed those doors.

    #2 Moxus, Aug 31, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2011
  3. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
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    Oh C'MON! those are totally struts! No seriously those should've been strut pieces. The map looks rather simple, but I like the CE feel. In addition I'm glad you've implemented Stevo's spawn method, I've heard good things about it.
  4. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    well, i love the doorway, but when you see the bottom pattern of two bridge pieces at an angle to each other, that breaks the cohesion for me immediately.
  5. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    Ocie. If I used struts, then there would not be enough cover for players. That is why cartogropher is by no means a remake. It's a remastering.

    And MrGreen, that is one of the most annoying things I felt too. There's no other pieces that fitvunfortunately. It's also my unexpected entry to the 5000 contest, so I had to cut corners in some places :(
  6. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    Its a great map you've got there. The similarities to CE are ok. I know you weren't going for a remake but some more stuff to make the map look better would help.

    Other than that, its a dl from me :)
  7. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    I ran out of usable pieces. I've used all the Doors, Windows and Walls on the roof and the section that overlooks the map room. I've used all the blocks. I use nearly all the bridges. All that is left is laggy, decorative pieces, that I cannot afford to use if I am to keep this in the 5000 contest.

    Anyway, hope you enjoy it! Games with or without AA's are great fun, especially CTF :D
  8. Heptagons

    Heptagons Forerunner

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    This looks really cool, Oli. I remember doing something along these lines a few months ago, but I decided to be as accurate as possible and essentially remade the first room in the installation and then mirrored it on the other side for a symmetrical 4v4 map.

    I remember thinking the bottoms of the bridges were perfect for replicating the patterns on the wall. I see you agree with me there. My slight divergence from yours in terms of object usage was the central platform with the light - I just thought the platform XL was perfect for this, but I'm assuming due to the amount of bridges you used, this was not an option.

    Great job in any case. I look forward to seeing how it flows (that was where my version fell flat on its face). :)
  9. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    I remember playing this two of three weeks ago, it was quite epic, the only weapon I saw on the map was a sword, did I miss out on any other weapons?
  10. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    yeh. Quite a few. 2 DMR's. Grenade launcher, AR's, pistols (as my testament to CE :D) And the spawning I used was a take on Stevos method. Just shaped up to be less confusing, and waaaaay more effective and reliable. Ill make a post on it sometime.
    #10 Oli The G, Sep 1, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2011

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