SW Battlefront Maps & Gametypes

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Voltage, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    /// OVERVIEW ///
    Important Note:

    Before I begin, I would like to note that these gametypes are not intended to perfectly replicate SW:Battlefront gameplay. Halo is a different game entirely, so a perfect remake is not possible. I have done my best to make the settings as close as possible and still keep gameplay balanced. That being said, let's talk about how this game works.


    Sadly in Reach, if you set the territories to be able to be recaptured, they are scored by a timer. Also, you cannot choose to spawn at a captured territory. So the best I could do to get close enough was to make 5-plots with no win limit, only a time limit. Whoever has the most time at the end of the game wins. Therefore, you want to hold most the territories for the majority of the game. In testing we found that this actually works really well. It provides for intense battles for territories, fast kill times, and lots of strategy.

    Limited Resources:

    I tested having only a set number of lives per game to replicate the limited resources, but didn't find that to benefit the gameplay any. If the number of lives was high (like 15), it didn't make any difference, as time ran out before you could die that much. If it was lower, it made people not want to rush a territory, and therefore not play to the objective. So I decided it played best without it.


    Classes are different than in Battlefront, because in Halo you cannot deal traits to individual weapons or loadouts. So sadly, it was not balanced to have a rocket or sniper loadout. (Which sucks!) You will instead find the classes to be focused around Armor Abilities, with a different weapon set with each ability. There are 4 loadouts that are the same in both games. These are:

    - Jetpack, Magnum, AR
    - Sprint, AR, Magnum
    - Active Camo, Needler, Magnum
    - Armor Lock, Grenade Launcher, Magnum

    There is then a loadout that is map-specific because of map size and type. In Kashyyyk the DMR is overpowered so the 5th loadout is Hologram, Shotgun, Magnum. In Mustafar the shotgun is overpowered so is replaced with Hologram, DMR, Magnum.

    There is no weapon pickup, so you must choose your loadout wisely. What you choose is what you're stuck with until you die. (Because there is no weapon pickup, infinite ammo is turned on.)

    Downloading Info

    ***Both maps have specific gametypes needed to make them work. Do NOT use Battlefront M (M for Mustafar) on SW Kashyyyk, or vice versa. It will ruin the game, I promise. Make sure you play the right gametype for the map selected.***

    SW Mustafar + Battlefront M

    SW Kashyyyk + Battlefront K

    It's also worth noting that these gametypes can be used on any default map, or on any forged map that is setup for territories. You may want to tweak the loadouts though.

    OR, you could just download the maps and not the gametypes, if you want to play something else on them. At the time, however, they are not setup for any other gametypes, so you would have to forge spawn points and objectives.

    Thanks for checking this out! I'm completely open to all types of feedback. Also, if you have another SW:Battlefront map you would like me to add to this list, please let me know! Enjoy!

    /// KASHYYYK ///
    Kashyyyk Docks was one of my favorite Battlefront maps. I searched for a good remake but could not find one, so I made my own. This map will support up to 8v8.

    Because of the extreme asymmetry in this map the beach-spawning team has a huge advantage. For this reason, there are 2 four-minute rounds, where teams switch sides at halftime. This gives teams equal opportunity.

    The island team gets 4 ghosts and 1 revenant. The beach team gets 2 regular hogs and 2 mongooses. Because there are so many vehicles, each loadout comes with 1 of each grenade type to prevent vehicle domination and spawn killing. But remember, there's no weapon pickup so use your grenades wisely!

    There is a grid in the water, so you are able to walk from the beach to the island without drowning. Just stay inside the boundaries so you don't fall off.

    *Personally, I think this would also make a great 1-bomb map. Maybe I'll be able to update this sometime for other gametype compatability.*





    /// MUSTAFAR ///
    I did not build this map and claim no credit for it. I found it through the file search and found that it is a perfectly accurate remake with great aesthetics, so found no reason to build my own. I only edited it to put territories on it. I do not know the original author or else I would cite him.

    This map is more CQC-based, so though it does support up to 8v8, I recommend keeping it at 5v5 or less. Also due to it's smaller size, there is only 1 frag start for grenades. And like I said above, there is no shotgun loadout.

    This gametype is only one 8-minute round, as it is not necessary to break it into more rounds. The map is not lop-sided, so neither team has a real advantage.

    The pictures just don't do this map justice. Make sure you download it and check it out. This map would also make a really great Slayer or Objective map.





    /// DOWNLOAD NOW ///
    #1 Voltage, Aug 24, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
  2. Infection

    Infection Forerunner

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    These two maps just look fantastic, when i first saw them it just brought back the memories of playing Star Wars BF. The maps look a lot similar to the actual game, Ill give it a download and I cant wait to play it.
  3. mcclintonsl

    mcclintonsl Forerunner

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    The maps are brilliant! I wish someone made a new SWBF....

    But just one thing, in Kashyyyk, if you get out of a Revenant (not sure if its just the Revenant)in the water, it blows up and kills you with it, is this intended or fixable?
  4. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    Hm... Sounds like a problem. No, it's not intended. I guess the water is deep enough for the Revi to completely submerge. Weird. I guess no one got out in the water during testing.

    This is fixable, but it would take a big map update. I'd have to completely raise every piece that's underwater and realign it with the beach. Seeing that school has started back, I doubt I'll get around to doing that any time soon, so for now all I can say is don't get out of the Revi in the water. lol. Sorry.
  5. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Oh my god...Kashyyk Docks...from BF1! I think I love you.

    I actually was planning on making one myself and suiting it up for invasion but I really like yours and so see no reason to build another while yours is close to perfection...mind if I make an invasion variant?

    I may have to add to these if I ever get around to making them...

    I would suggest Cloud City, Platforms, and Harbor as great maps as well, if you could find/build those I'd love you forever. If not, I have building to do!
  6. Javidson Ist

    Javidson Ist Forerunner

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    I liked Mygeeto from SWBF2 and also Kamino from the same game. I reckon Kamino would make a great forge map and possibly quite an easy one to make too.
  7. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    Thanks for the comments, guys. If you're looking for other Battlefront maps, I would suggest using the in-game map file search. That's how I found this Mustafar map. I'm sure there are plenty of other really great remakes out there.

    @That Scorch Guy
    Feel free to make any changes to the map at all, or to recreate the map with any ideas I used. I would be happy for you to, actually.

    And you know, I spent about 6 hours working on both a Bespin Cloud City and a Rhen Var Harbor map around the same time I built Kashyyyk Docks, but just could not find a way to work those into the Forge efficiently enough. Not saying that it cannot be done, because I'm know it can with enough effort. I just wasn't having any luck with it, so I gave up on it.

    There are also a LOT of Platforms remakes. Just file-search Bespin and you'll find hundreds. (Though some are terrible. Some are great, though. Just gotta find the right one.)

    It is fun to recreate something from such a great game. I recommend Forging your own. :)

    @Javidson Ist
    I have come across some pretty good Mygeeto and Kamino maps in the file search. I just searched "battlefront" and looked for familiar map names. I'm sure you can find a good remake.
  8. spy penguin

    spy penguin Forerunner

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    personally i liked both maps equally when i saw kashyyk i thought it was the one from bf2 but the first one is still just as good personally i think you should make the one thats in space from bf2 you know the one that has the vechile bays that go into a crater that only droids can survive in on foot that would be nice hhhmmmm mabey i could give a try at making it but love the maps allways was the droids in both always won eith the shotgun class aahhhhhh good times.
  9. mcclintonsl

    mcclintonsl Forerunner

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    I had a brilliant time playing on KASHYYYK but I made my own game type.

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