Fish In A Barrel

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Eddie Swiss, Aug 30, 2011.

  1. Eddie Swiss

    Eddie Swiss Forerunner

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    About: Fish In A Barrel is a custom game variant/map based on the old saying "It's like shooting fish in a barrel". The concept is pretty straight forward, you have to shoot the fish in the barrel! Or, box in this case.


    This is the Zombies (Fish) spawn for the game. The players whom are "Fish" must move around in the box without getting killed by the Human "Shooter" who is positioned above the box with a Sniper Rifle and attempting to end the lives of each fish holed up in said box. A total of 8 spawns are in here.


    This is where the Human (Shooter) spawns. He goes through the teleporter and appears in an area with four sniper nests, and each holding a two-way teleporter. He can move through each Two-Way Teleporter to move from Sniper Nest, to Sniper Nest attempting to kill all of the fish.

    So, that's basically it for this map. Nothing too complicated and nothing fancy looking. Just meant for a good time, and something for people to do if they're bored with their friends. Some game-play details are below..

    Gameplay Details
    - Jumping has been disabled.
    - Fish can sprint.
    - No shields, so watch your back.
    - Fish win by surviving for the whole 5 minutes.
    - Human wins by killing all the Fish.
    #1 Eddie Swiss, Aug 30, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2011
  2. Savage Tracks

    Savage Tracks Forerunner

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    This was originally made in Halo 3. It was called Swordfish on Shark Tank. In that version the fish were under water and had waypoints. This is basically the same exact game. It's nice to see it remade in Reach. Having the fish slightly under water might have made it a bit more exciting. Still looks pretty fun though.
    #2 Savage Tracks, Aug 30, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2011
  3. Eddie Swiss

    Eddie Swiss Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback! I thought having it in the air would be neat. Maybe I should switch to water sometime soon.
  4. Savage Tracks

    Savage Tracks Forerunner

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    Thats cool.. The original game had the fish under water with way points on. The fish had swords and you could see them glow like a fishs fin. Dl the old map. You can find it if you do a search for Shark Tank. I will dl your map and check it out:)
  5. Eddie Swiss

    Eddie Swiss Forerunner

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    Thanks, would definitely love some feedback!

    EDIT: Have to rework some of the spawning problems. If the zombie dies the round doesn't restart, so I'm going to have to switch out some variables, and spawning and see if I can work around the problem. I have a rough idea what's causing it.
    #5 Eddie Swiss, Aug 30, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2011
  6. Savage Tracks

    Savage Tracks Forerunner

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    Try 15 zombies and 1 human. Reach is broken. That's what i had to do to get ice cream man to work in Reach. If you have any problems, i can help. Just send me a msg.
  7. Eddie Swiss

    Eddie Swiss Forerunner

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    Fixed the map, and added the new download links in the OP. Tested it, and it now runs properly. :)

    EDIT: Little problem with damage variables, updated and will be uploading the edited file soon.
    #7 Eddie Swiss, Aug 31, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2011

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