Why does the game tend to cheat on Legendary? -An ultra elite fights much better than a general or zealot? -Grunt Backpack + Plamsa nade+ Random Hazards= BS Death? -If experienced why does Legendary seem easier compared to Heroic? -Stuck at checkpoints where you get an ass spanking every single retry? -Elite+Plasma nade= MLB player? -Elite+Pissed off= Persistent Chuck Norris -Brute+Pissed off+stuck with plasma nade= Suicidal grunt? -Brute/Grunt with Fuel Rod=Heavy *****>Elite with fuel rod? -Noble Team= Useless?...except for Jorge -Kat=Bad driver? -Why is flipyap not in this?
It cheats? It was so easy... Any unshielded enemy is unbelievably simple to kill with a precision weapon. Any shielded enemy is easy to kill with a noob combo (plasma pistol + precision weapon)
Legendary is actually quite easy if you stop playing it like Rambo and start playing smart. I only use Noble Team as cannon fodder because unless they are on vehicles or have a superpowerful weapon, they are useless. NEVER let them drive. EVER. And yes, the game cheats whenever it gets the chance. If you want the enemies easy to kill, shoot them with a Plasma pistol or grenade launcher and some sort of Precision weapon (Magnum, DMR, Needle Rifle, etc.) If you play smart, Legendary is Very easy. Oh yeah, never attack Elites without a game plan. Any elite above the rank of minor is unbelievably hard to kill without the right combo.
If you start playing properly and not like an idiot playing on easy, taking cover and using the maps weapons and checkpoint system properly, you shouldn't have a problem finishing it legendary solo. I know I didn't.
This so much. Can also be done with: -Magnum + Plasma Pistol -Needle Rifle + Plasma Pistol -Sniper Rifle + Plasma Pistol ^^ All of this + Grenade Launcher
Hey,hey now i was just wondering who has problems with it like that not me. I peg with plasma pistol, and assault rifle and i headshot!
You're almost doing it right, now just drop that AR and pick up a DMR. Viola! You're on our level! Stick with the Plasma Pistol + Precision weapon and you should be fine.
Ya thats exactly how i do it >.<, thats how do mythic difficulty solo lol.... If anyone wants to know how to do it solo just ask =D
Turn on tilt, it makes the plasma weapons rape face. EDIT: Also, Reach SLASO is so easy compared to the other games...
Bungie apparently didn't fix this little glitch lolololol Don't the skulls only affect ai actions ?__?
Halo doesn't cheat, they just up the difficulty for each level (normal, heroic, legendary). try playing COD WAW or any other war game, they'll literally spawn grenades next to you. Not thrown. Spawned. out of nowhere. Not thrown by an AI. Thats ****ing cheating. Secret to legendary, its been said here, is taking your time and always have primary as dmr or needle rifle, secondary plasma pistol. Obviously using vehicles helps, especially if you use a vehicle you're not meant to have. For example on ONI, when you get the target locator don't take out both of the wraiths. Use the rockets on that small ridge to take out one wraith, and try to jack the other one. It shouldn't be too hard with armor lock, I've done it many times. Kat will get in the gunner seat, however since you are driving you control the main cannon which helps a lot. Also if you save the target locator for later in that mission it makes some parts a little easier. I use it as an ace up my sleeve/last resort type thing, when I'm low on ammo or health or patience. EDIT: I couldn't vote on your poll, because you didn't include a "it doesn't cheat" option. I didn't think any of the choices applied. Maybe I've just been playing halo for too long lol
I aimed the poll towards people who are having problems not players our level =(. Cause all the options are what lesser players complain about the most.