So, as I often do when I am on one of my insomniac stints, I shall be posting a topic that is of little importance in the grand scheme of things, but still could make for an interesting line of discussion. Today, the subject of discussion shall be great moments in Grand Theft Auto IV. I apologize if this has already been posted elsewhere, on another section of FH. But, since I'm too lazy to find that out, I shall continue my ramble. So, I'm certain that you've all had grand moments in GTA IV that you simply WISHED you could capture in some way, shape or form? With such a large, sandbox-styled game, it seems very likely. Unfortunately, no such capture method exists (At least, not one which is easily accessible) and so it seems that instead of posting videos, we shall have to immortalize such moments in text. I shall start, and hopefully others shall follow my example, for if they do not, this shall make me sad. ============ Going Out in a Blaze of Glory Okay, I confess. This one wasn't actually perpetrated by me. But it was on my 360, with my copy of the game, by a friend who insisted that I let him drive to go and pick up Roman. Anyways, he became distracted, and instead of going to Roman, gleefully went on a spree of destruction. No mailbox, lamp post or phone booth was safe from the doom of his wrath. Anyways, a few minutes into said spree, I made the observation that his wheels were on fire. "You should probably get out of your vehicle" I said to him, "Your wheels are on fire." Now, it wasn't exactly as calm as this. Regardless, he decided to comply, and dove out of the car as it continued mowing down hapless inanimate objects. ....He almost made it out alive. Just as he made his exit, the car exploded violently, sending him sailing into a nearby wall, and itself flying to its final resting place, taking down one last street light in the process. ============== SWAT Same friend decided to go on a rampage after setting Niko's phone to sleep mode. At some point, he acquired a SWAT truck, which he promptly flipped over a set of stairs clearly not meant for vehicular access. At that point, he made a disturbing discovery. He was trapped. So, we had to sit there for about five minutes, with the car surrounded by police heedlessly firing their guns at the truck(they evidently couldn't get to it either). VERY heedlessly. Occasionally, their gunfire would detonate one of THEIR police cruisers, sending a plethora of officers careening through the sky like little blue streamers. Eventually, the SWAT truck exploded, Niko went to the hospital, and my friend resumed his rampage of death. ============ Watch Out For mind. Okay, now here's one that I was actually playing for. I'm driving down the highway in a badly damaged vehicle, and some fool decides he will cut me off. Of course, I crash into him before skidding into the divider. This is, of course, too much for my car to handle, so it promptly sets itself aflame. I jump out, and walk around the car of the fellow who cut me off. I realize something-he apparently took offense to my hitting his car, and is now shooting at me. I pull out my shotgun, assuming I'll have to kill him. Then he decided to take cover behind my still burning car. As he walked towards it, back turned, it exploded, sending him into the air in several somersaults before landing with a resounding the bottom of the highway bridge. =========== That's all for now. I'll probably post more later, when I am bored enough, and if others actually tell us their tales.
This is absolutely great. Very entertaining. Can't say I've had much hilarious stunts in my time in Liberty City. Except for one time I was riding a Motorbike over one of the many bridges. I decided to do a wheelie and as I did I hit a pothole. Aparently GTAIV has a nice little glitch that sent my flying so high into the air the cars stoped rendering on screen. All the time while doing many... many... many frontflips... Also... I really wish all games now had some kind of Theater mode. I could see it working for Multiplayer in GTAIV. And perhaps they could have made it record the last 60 minutes of gameplay. Of course that might not work so even just limited to 30 or even 15 minutes? I don't know... After Halo3 games have to have some kind of recordable replay feature. We've seen it in racing games, now a FPS. Why not have it in the sandbox games... Oh well...
If I could have videotaped and sent a moment to Candid Camera, or AFV, this would have been it: -NIKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! MY COUSIN!!!!!111!!!!!!1!!!!ELEVEN!!!!
I have a few actually. Ill see how many my tiny brain can conjure up from the past games i did not too long ago..... First time on GTAIV Multiplayer This one is a short one, the first time i ever played GTA online i decided to do some Team DeathMatch. I stayed in the Green Team with 5 other random guys. the game started and everyone on my team scattered there own seperate ways. I decided to stick to a guy by following him since i was new to the whole thing. Not 5 seconds have passed when the guy infront of me sees an AK-47 across the street, runs for it, and gets hit by a taxi car with a loud THU-THUMP! I swear i couldnt stop laughing at the moment, it just looked so funny from my point of view haha. Person with Hat/Penguinish Dueltage I decided to join Penguinish in a free roam mode, just him, Person with Hat and I. We shot each other for about an hour until i finally got bored and decided to go for a drive on a SANCHEZ bike. After minutes of questioning were i was, Penguin and Hat decide to hop on a Chopper and chase me down for "treason". So im driving in this long free way and just so happed to see behind me this big Helicopter chasing my arse down. It was like an intense action scene from some movie i swear. So there chasing me hopeing to chop me with the blades until by some luck, this billboard happend to be infront of me, It was too late for them to stop so they go smashing into the thing with a loud KLUNK! Stoping it right on its tracks. Now that was a good ROFL moment haha. I know theres more but ill save those for some other time, ill just let someone else take the spotlight for now.
just today, i was playing online with a friend from school and we were constantly laughing at the mindless entertainment of free roam. We were in a Turismo (very very fast car) going down the really long bridge(that means beyond fast) and i was passenger so i said "what if i just jumped out right now?" and with no hesitation i was out of the car and rag dolling myself down half of the bridge as he watched the whole thing(he said it looked so funny from his point of view). I hit like 8 cars oncoming and finally landed perched atop one. it was just a random moment and he was crying from laughter. I don't know if you had to be there to find it funny but it was awesome, you should try it sometime.
I wish I had great moments like these, I'm really to afraid that iI will like the game to much and have only played like an hour at a time just to make sure I get enough forging and mming in.
My first time playing online GTAIV, I went on 1vs1 with this random dude. Everytime i'd try to shoot him down in the city, he'd usually win and pop the last cap into me. So I got fed up, and got into a vehicle and started driving REALLY fast down the crowded long road. While going 100+mph I spot the other guy in the middle of the street, and doing the obvious, ran him over at a VERY hig velocity. His body does several somersaults in the air before finally hitting the pavement. I couldn't stop laughing, vengeance never felt so good. I was able to run him over 3 times before he finds an area where I couldn't drive through