
Discussion in 'Reach Gametypes' started by BlackHand111, May 23, 2011.

  1. BlackHand111

    BlackHand111 Forerunner

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    Punchums is a multiplayer gametype (with teams or without, you can choose), that the only way to kill your opponent is to assassinate them. It can get very interesting with a large number of people, and also somewhat annoying at times :D. However, I have found it to be very entertaining and also can earn you a couple amazing kills because of the assassinations only. So, if you like assassinations, check out Punchums. By the way, it's pronounced "Punch-ums".

    This gametype works a lot better on smaller maps with a ton of corners so you can hide and then pop out all ninja-like and assassinate the person with their back to you.

    Created by Dr ParadoXx, and me, BlackHand111.

    #1 BlackHand111, May 23, 2011
    Last edited: May 24, 2011
  2. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It sounds funny, but don't you think it will be very hard to assassinate somebody if he tries to do the same thing to you? Then you're just dancing around each other. And you didn't mention anything about Motion Sensors, do you have one? Because if so, the chance of sneaking up on somebody without getting noticed will get much smaller.
  3. BlackHand111

    BlackHand111 Forerunner

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    This isn't a gametype for just two or three people, which are really the only times you'll actually be 'dancing around each other.' If you have more people, then it becomes two or so people going after each other, and some one else then assassinating them. Onto question number two; no, there isn't(or atleast shouldn't be), a motion sensor. The gametype is meant to be a bit more 'sneaky', and in that case I took out the motion sensor. It changes the gameplay up a ton than when it did include the motion sensor. If you have about four(five would probably be even better), then it becomes a pretty fun gametype. Teams, also work on this; you can allow one person to bait the other team in, then, when they have their backs to you, just go in and take 'em out.

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