Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by rusty eagle, Mar 27, 2011.

  1. TantricEcho

    TantricEcho Ancient
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    My craziest moment was...

    In the second city, when you're ambushed, I managed to tranq all three guards on the top level (I had left my sniper in Detroit so it was the only scoped weapon I had), then threw myself over the railing onto the 2 heavy guards and the light soldier; stunning them with the Icarus. I did a quick double-lethal takedown on the two heavy guards and then quickly eating a cyberboost bar I (accidentally, I didn't hold the B button) I non-lethally took out the third guy. After I cleared the area, I went around and popped a revolver round into all of the unconscious guard's heads because they had killed all the civilians.

    Another fun one was I hacked a turret, then carried it to a doorway and threw a stun grenade into a crowd of guards in the next room. Once they recovered, they charged me and got mowed down. That was just before the Barret boss fight, which, I thought was fun. I learned that fire extinguishers blow up nicely in that one.
  2. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I clicked that Spoiler, then promptly un-clicked it once I saw "in the second city". I glimpsed the next few words, but hopefully that won't be enough to spoil the surprise when I get to it. Thanks for spoilering it, by the way, Tantric. :p

    I only got this game on Monday, and have only played a few hours of it so far. Im still on the first mission to take out Purity Fist. Have just been tooling around trying to find all the tidbits I can. One, because I like to delve into stories, and two, because I like to level up and I want the XP.

    I've gotten the Ghost XP bonus already, cause I dig stealth, but haven't heard of the ones you mentioned above, Shuman. Will have to look them up.

    EDIT: Wait, they're achievements/trophies. *facepalms*
    #22 Xun, Aug 30, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2011
  3. TantricEcho

    TantricEcho Ancient
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    No problem Xun.

    Had another fun moment last night, it was in the second city but had nothing to do with the plot line. Promise. I'll spoiler it anyway.

    I was hacking a random door in the street and three punks (won't use their real name cuz that might give some stuff away, idk.) saw me. They pulled their pistols out and started blasting at me. I grabbed a nearby vending machine for cover and then thought to myself 'they are standing really close together' so I pulled the right trigger and leveled two of them. Since I figured they were dead, I blasted the other guy with my tricked out revolver.

    In retrospect, I really wish Jeff Steitzer (halo multiplayer announcer) had been in this game and said something along the lines of 'vending machine kill' promptly followed by the appropriate 'double kill'.
  4. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Detroit part 2;

    I had to break into this guys apartment. After you have cleared it, you find a hidden entrance, but if you have the aug to break down walls, theres an alternative way. I follow this path and drop down onto a beam in the ceiling of a large room, and i'm immediately spotted by these two guys. One of them throws a grenade straight at me, and i totally panic. It hits me straight in the visor, bouncing off and falling back in front of the guys. Boom.

    It's a shame that the cities don't have nearly enough content.
  5. TantricEcho

    TantricEcho Ancient
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    Hangsha has a huge amount of side quests and areas to explore.
  6. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Malik, Mei, Hive bartender for the first run

    Tong for the second so far.

    I'm only finding 3 the first time and 1 the second, for both cities. That's not exactly huge.
  7. TantricEcho

    TantricEcho Ancient
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    I can think of 4 sides for Detroit and 5 for Hangsha off the top of my head. I haven't finished my first play through yet.
  8. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Who then? There are only 8.
    #28 Matty, Aug 31, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2011
  9. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    yeah some of the sidequest are a little weird to start if you dont know your suppose to talk to random people at specific times. my girlfriend played and she almost missed the bartender one in hive.
  10. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    So last night my HUD disppeared, so I checked online and needless to say it's happened to a lot of people, and not only is there not a fix, Eidos hasn't responded.

    So I have to go to a previous save, about an hour backwards.
  11. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    That's why I always have multiple saves in games that have a lot of things to do. In case I mess up, or the game messes up, its always good to have lots of saves, and save often. I usually always save before I hack something or go into a new area. Any idea what caused the problem or what you were doing when it happened, Shuman?

    Im running around Detroit doing a bunch of side missions at the moment, only just having finished the first mission. This game is awesome, but I have one gripe. Don't know if there is anything like it, but I wish there was some kind of item bank where you could place items that you wanted to keep, just not on you. Sure, I can just drop them in Adams apartment, but Im not confident that they'll still be there when I return in a few hours. Anyone else think this is a reasonable idea?
  12. TantricEcho

    TantricEcho Ancient
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    Weapons, ammo and equipment left anywhere in an area will remain there indefinitely through the game.

    I stashed a bunch of ammo and weapons in Jensen's office thinking this would play like Deus Ex 2 where you could go back and forth between areas at will. When I FINALLY got back to Detroit, all of my stuff was still there.

    Also, some random weapons that were left in the streets of Hangsha were still there the next time I got there.

    Hope this helps.
  13. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Yeh, I found this out after a while. I found a bunch of items still lying in the places I left them after I hadn't been there for a few hours, so Im taking it as a sign that things will indefinitely stay where you leave them and not get thieved by some light-fingered NPCs.

    Just got to Hengsha, by the way. I've been exploring pretty much everything I can find, and I just got the Icarus augmentation, which kicks seven shades of **** out of everything else in this game. I though it was pathetic that Adam died after a fall of 2 metres, so this augmentation rocks the ****. Just gotta wait til I get enough Praxis to unlock the silent falling augmentation, now. Is it worth it?
  14. TantricEcho

    TantricEcho Ancient
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    Okay, so I just beat my first play through today.

    I wanted to discuss what people thought the most useless abilities were and what turned out to be surprisingly beneficial. I will try to minimize spoilers.

    Personally I thought the Typhoon was worthless. I would kill people when it was necessary but in all honesty I used the Typhoon 3 times throughout the whole game. Once, when I was actually surrounded by people, the second when I saw a group of 7 civilians in a circle (it had to be done, they were asking for it) and then the last time in one of the boss fights, which in fact turned out to do a lot of damage to the boss.

    The one I found most beneficial was the seeing through walls ability, when I realized I could pulse it (turn it on and turn it off before it used an entire energy cell) to keep recharging the energy cell, I used it A LOT.

    The surprising ability for me was the EMP dermal armor upgrade and the rebreather toxin immunity upgrade. Being able to walk through electricity and gas turned out to be invaluable when heavy combat started.

    Now, on to my Foxiest of Hounds, Pacifist and hardest difficulty run... Bring it on.
  15. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I'm still on first playthrough, but I'm finding that there are a lot of useless augs. Like the increased Sprint speed? That's ****, I tested it and it barely gives you one more metre of distance. Most of the augs in the cranial stealth section are useless, but the cone if vision one is good. Not going to bother with typhoon, dermal armour or smart vision.

    Aim stabilizer and the heavy lift augs rock, especially the latter. When I was waiting for a lift to arrive in a certain part I blocked some entrances with heavy crates and vending machines as enemies were encroaching on my position and it stopped them from entering a room entirely. Wussy I know, but I had bugger all ammo.
    #35 Xun, Sep 5, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2011
  16. TantricEcho

    TantricEcho Ancient
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    Dermal armor is good to get the impervious to EMP upgrade. It helped to be able to walk through the zappy-water.

    And yes, the heavy lift aug came in handy A LOT! Also, I think I might drop a point into the cranial stealth one for 'mark and track' when I do my Hard/Foxy/Pacifist run. See if it helps any.
  17. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    So I finished the game.

    Hint: It's really really bad. It could genuinely be the worst game I've ever played.

    You'd think a game this short, with such a small game-word with such small ambitions would take the time to try and do at least something right, but no. There's huge holes in the plot and the believability of the universe, when you're talking to NPC's for sidequests they do this thing with their arms like they're trying to dance to Mr. Roboto (but not in a cute way), and for all it's talk, the game never actually deals with any of the themes it's supposed to be about.

    If you're even remotely considering buying this game, save that money for something worthwhile. Or save the receipt, you'll need it.

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