Spartan On Deck

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by aydane225, Aug 29, 2011.

  1. aydane225

    aydane225 Forerunner

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    Hello again ForgeHub it has been a while since i have posted a map, after my great map Dog Fight i have been busy doing other stuff but now I'm back with new and improved maps like this one called, Spartan On Deck.

    Spartan on deck is a map i have been working on for a while and has just been sitting in my File share and it is about time i share it with all of you, in the sea you will start on a new kind of boat i have made and you have a few paths to take, go straight to the attack ship (yes another new boat) and get the tank, or you can make your way around on some rocks to the top of the attack ship and grab yourself a rocket launcher and take out the enemy's Falcon or the tank if you couldn't get to it on time, that is if you didn't get on your own Falcon to take to the sky and kill your enemy from above, there are many paths to take and im not going to tell you all of them I'll wait for you to find them, this map is somewhat small but can feel big, it is balanced and a great map to play on given that you have a good amount of players.
    Note that this map is only good for team slayer but can be changed to play other game modes

    Next map: Dog Fight: Out on the Open Warfare, or if you will dog fight V2
    #1 aydane225, Aug 29, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2011
  2. my name is Byf

    my name is Byf Forerunner

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    After having looked at this map in the download i have a couple of thoughts.

    Firstly i dislike the building design. It reminds me of Cliffhanger because there are lots of buildings simply meshed together. Try using building blocks and pieces from bridges and platforms to construct bases and structures.

    Secondly for a map this size 2 Falcons a shade turret and a tank is way too many vehicles. I can imagine the engagement being decided by who claims the tank first and who therefore spawn kills the rest of the enemy team. Take out the tank. The falcons could work if there was more overhead cover or if the map was just bigger but this still needs to be enlarged.

    Thirdly this map has a severe case of power weapon over load. Put fewer on your map in one place. Try to spread them out and on small maps limit the number of them but make them appropriate to the map and how it should balance. (e.g. A spartan laser or plasma launcher to counter a falcon or banshee.)

    Finally even though i've already said this make the map larger if that is possible. I can expect that even with all the buildings used you'll have at least $5000 remaining in your budget (probably more). Spend it on making more room for the power weapons and the vehicles.

    Ultimately this map whilst made properly in the sense of co-ordinate editing etc but it hasnt been properly balanced, sized or constructed for good gameplay. improvements need to be made
  3. aydane225

    aydane225 Forerunner

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    Well its not one of the best maps i have made and yes can be made bigger and better, but really i only put this map here to fill in the gap between my last map an my new map coming out soon.

    This map has space to grow and I'll take what you said into advisement when i do make a remake or V2 of this map in about 2 maps time this was really just a test of what i could do and what works and to see if people like the lay out.
    #3 aydane225, Aug 29, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2011

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