Hey guys! You can call me Lightning, most people do . My favorite multiplayer game is Halo Reach, but I haven't been playing much of it lately. Sports for my school has already started, and on top of that, school has started! So I'll be tired and maybe even stressed but I'll still try to get on the site, and xbox more. I'm a pretty good graphics designer, I have a youtube, if you guys want to check it out/sub. EnLightningHD is the channel name. On August 16th of this year. My house burnt down, leaving me with nothing except the clothes on my back. Even my dog, Korky, was in the house ): I loved him soo much. Well that's all I have to say, if you'd like to know more, PM or post .
I feel for ya Lightning, I had almost half my family move to the other side of the US, My Mom and Dad split apart, I moved to a different house, broke my finger, my close Uncle died, and I had to give away my dog, Desmond, he was so fluffy... and happy... all within 3 months So I'm just trying to say I know how it feels, but I hope the Community treats you well.
Sorry bout the rough year dude. I guess life can only get better from here. And finally let me say welcome to Forge Hub.
Thanks everyone Sorry I haven't been on in ages. But I have recently moved into a new house and haven't gotten internet yet!
But there really are cookies in the back, they're just hidden under the table, so you'll have to bend down to get them. Welcome back th Fh dude, srry to hear about all the bad stuff, sometime life just kicks you in the balls and you just gotta get back up and fight back.