I made this a while ago: Spoiler I want to make another piece with the same concept, but I don't know what subject to use. Any ideas? Links to images would be appreciated.
Make a series involving other popular landmarks; the Great Pyramid or the Moai of Easter Island, for instance. It will allow you to work with different colors and angles while maintaining a common theme.
The Moai idea is good, also try doing the Louvre and some kind of buildings in a city at night time. (or the Louvre at night)
This is a good idea. Then you can let us all download your amazing work Seriously though, that wallpaper is gorgeous
Thanks guys. The problem, however, lies behind finding good stock images. =\ I might have to actually stray outside free stocks. I really like this one. I could very easily extend the reflection with some copy pasta/opacity action so it's even. Plus, at that resolution I could actually print and sell it, should that not be against the copyright laws. Which, presumably is not being that I would actually be purchasing it. If I decide to go forward with that website I'll have to shuffle through the fine print sometime. They've got a $50 for five downloads deal, if I can find some other good stocks I might actually go through with it. ... I should probably contact a printing place and see what their quality is like and how much they charge. Maybe make some profits off my artz.
That's not necessary for this material, especially since those are already doctored. You're better off with original pictures like this one.
Thanks for that link, the thing is though that I would like to have them at necessary DPI for a print... We have art shows and stuff all the time around here, and I'd love to try to sell something. I think the next step for me. Whether or not it goes well would be another story. That website has a lot of un-doctored looking stocks, I'm sure I could find something nice.
If you can't get it high enough with real photographs or wallpaper-sized images, I don't see how a stock site will do better. Of course, if you do something outside the realm of famous locations, it would be more understandable.
Most stock websites offer 300+ DPI upon download. When you copy paste of the internet you get a lot lower.
Was this made with brushes or was it all custom? If custom, HOLY SHAT, amazing bro. On your decision.. IFC building in HK (was in the dark night). Spoiler Pyramid of giza (like you said) Spoiler Non-edited version, sure it could be relatively easy to create the same effects w/o paying for it just some options
I had your picture as my background for a lonnng time. I'm really looking forward to another one. Another idea would be a natural forest theme revolving around one single tree. You could use the same thing you did with the original, but more swirled arrows around the tree or somthing like that :\ whatever you decide I'm sure I'll enjoy it.
Ideas: The karst mountains in China and eastern asia. The great wall of china. A famous-ish mountain i.e. Everest, Pike's Peak, McKinley, Devils Tower, maybe Rushmore, etc. Grand Canyon Famous skylines i.e. New York, Paris, Vegas, Tokyo, Alexandria, Milan, etc.