When I go to my gamertag on Bungie.net it shows the armor my player had before Bungie handed over ownership of Reach to Microsoft. Is this just me or did Microsoft take that away from bungie? So will our reach stats, file share, and commendation ever be moving to Waypoint? If anybody knows what's going on let me know please.
It doesn't update for me constantly, it does it now and again. It takes a few days to update each time though, it's always been like that. Whether Bungie take it upon themselves to improve it is up to them, it wont matter though. Once Waypoint gets its update, we'll be able to see our stats and everything from Bnet and more from it, along with having our armor update properly.
Ya for me it takes at least 10 days. I guess there is just too many people changing there armor and emblems.
To update player model on Bungie.net you need to play matches on matchmaking. I actually forgot which news post it was on Bungie, but it was 3 months ago i guess.