A most random Forge and gametype idea

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Tarkaris, Aug 27, 2011.

  1. Tarkaris

    Tarkaris Forerunner

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    Legend of Zelda Dungeon Invasion:
    Yep, You read right. Legend of Zelda meets Halo Reach in a dungeon adventure using the Invasion gametype... At least that's my idea so far. I have some forging objectives to create a LoZ experience that should be fun but not take the time of a puzzle map.
    -Where this idea spawned from:
    I was wanting to create a unique puzzle map experience and thought about having an opposing group trying to prevent you from succeeding. thus this idea was born.

    As you read remember that Legend of Zelda is copyright of Nintendo and that all the art and names are from said company or from artist's who have signed their work and I claim none of it as my own. That and be keep in mind this is concepts for an idea and is due to change with good feedback that aims to improve and my own epiphanies. The goals i have are to make a memorable bossfight, some "puzzles", and classic item hunting and dungeon crawling to get the LoZ feel.
    Now on to the idea itself,

    I'll ahve to make a halo-themed title for this when it's finished and submitted :)

    Recommended team settings:
    1 Link (Spartan) fro every 3 monsters (Elites), meaing 4 vs. 12 in a full game.

    Link team overall Objective:

    -Retrieve relic in order to defeat Ganon later! There are only 4 of you but you're legendary heroes who fight monsters all the time. Work as a team to defeat your foes and solve puzzles. Don't forget to use items to your advantage!
    (Forced color for this team will be green for the match if possible and be immune to Headshots/Assasinations)

    Monsters overall Objective:

    Stop the Links! You may be weaker than they are but you have strength in numbers and easy access to the areas in the dungeon. Use those advantage to set-up ambushes and to thwart puzzle solvers!
    (Monsters have lower damage output than the Links do)

    Player amounts:
    3 elites (monsters) to one spartan (Link)
    So 4 Links to 12 Monsters. Monsters will be weaker
    (Except for end boss)

    Forger's objectives:

    Get a LoZ feel to it by:
    - Having some puzzle solving.
    -Getting items as you progress in the dungeon.
    -Have a boss fight before the end.

    Now to loadouts and phase information for both teams. Spartans are Links and Elites are monsters.
    Phase 1: You've entered the dungeon but there are no doors nearby... But you find a weak wall and a bomb flower to boot! Now you just have to blow it... If the Wolfos don't stop you first!

    Young Link :

    -Weapons: Sword (Kokiri)
    -Combat Abilities: Evade
    *Young though he may be this Link is what you'all start out as. He'll get better in time.


    Weapons: Sword as claws.
    The first to respond in an attack, Wolfos fight on instinct in packs to make up for their lack in weaponry and complex training.

    Phase one objectives
    Link team:
    -Get to the next area by bombing the walls open. This is done with Bomb Flower in the area.
    -Prevent the wall bombing!

    Phase 2:
    You've blown the door and found that you'll need some more items if you hope to defeat the boss at the end and claim the relic. To get the items you'll need to solve the puzzle in the room... But watch out for new monsters with better combat skills!
    OOT Link:

    -Weapons: Sword (Master)/Pistol (Bow)
    -Combat Abilities: Evade
    The Hero of time and a great archer. This Link has proven to be an adept swordsman, dodging attacks and rolling into combat with great effect.

    LTTP Link:

    -Weapons: Sword (Hylian)
    -Combat Abilities: Sprint aka pegasus boots
    -2 bombs (grenades)
    The Hero of Hyrule, The LTTP Link is the fastest over long distances and can bomb enemies quickly in hit and run.

    Toon Link:

    -Weapons: Golf Club (sword pilfered from fallen foe)
    -Combat Abilities: unable to dodge or sprint due to heavy weapon.
    -1 bomb (grenade)
    Young Toon Link is a thief of enemy weapons. He'll provide the smashing power needed for Darknuts and such but he won't be as mobile as the other links.

    Phase 2 monster gear:

    -Weapons: Sword
    -Combat Abilities: Evade
    As agile saurians, You Lizalfos can avoid blows from the Links and close in to attack inside of bow range with effectiveness.


    -Weapons: Sword/ Heavy sword (Golf Club)
    -Combat Abilities: Armorlock (Shield time!)
    Darknuts are one of the most heavily armored minions available so be sure to use your shield to block attacks and your heavy sword to mow down your foes.

    Phantom Knight:

    -Weapons: Sword
    -Combat Abilities: Cloaking
    -1 grenade
    As a Phantom you can confuse the meddlesome heroes with their detection abilities and lob a bomb to soften them up as you and your fellow minions close in to kill.

    Phase Two objectives
    Link team:
    -Get to the next area by solving the puzzle! This will take some time to figure out. Thus one Link will need to figure out the puzzle as the others defend.
    -Stop them from solving the puzzle! If they do then the door to the last room will open! Be sure to annoy them as they solve the puzzle by getting up in their faces and destroying them!

    Phase 3: The Boss phase
    It all comes together here. The relic is nearby but you'll need to defeat the IronKnuckle boss to get to it! Just be sure to watch out for the strongest minions here as you work towards victory!

    Twillight Princess Link:

    -Weapons: Sword (Master)/Needle Rifle (Bomb arrows and crossbow)
    -Combat Abilities: Evade
    -1 bomb (grenade)
    Having saved the Twillight realm from Ganondorf before This Link brings his skills to bear. He is the Link with the longest range and greatest accuracy. This Link makes quick work of unshielded targets with his bomb arrows. Use that to support the other Links!

    LTTP Link:

    -Weapons: Sword (Hylian)/Concussion Rifle (Fire rod)
    -Combat Abilities: Sprint aka pegasus boots
    -4 bombs (grenades)
    This Link is adept at magic, being an expert with artifacts like the Fire rod. Use that weapon's explosive power and your bombs to deal some heavy damage!

    Toon Link:

    -Weapons:Sword (Four)/ Golf Club (sword pilfered from fallen foe)
    -Combat Abilities: Hologram (Four Sword form split )
    -1 bomb (grenade)
    Now that he's got some power gloves and the Four sword Toon link can carry more equipment AND confuse enemies! Be sure to distract your foes and smash 'em!

    OOT Link:

    -Weapons: Sword (Master)/Plasma Repeater (New Bow with Ice arrows)
    -Combat Abilities: Armorlock
    Now that he has Ice arrows and the new bow and mirror shield OOT Link can deal out some rapid punishment on weaker foes while taking hits and deflecting attacks from tougher foes.

    Phase 3 monster gear:

    -Weapons: Sword/ Throwing Knives(Spiker)
    -Combat Abilities: Evade
    New knives give you an extra edge to attack as you roll in to finish a Link or dodge an attack or two as you rapidly strike. Be sure to help your fellows with the speed and agility of your attacks!


    -Weapons: Sword/ Heavy sword (Golf Club)
    -Combat Abilities: Armorlock (Shield time!)
    Your role is the same as before: Deflect attacks and smash the Links!

    Phantom Knight:

    -Weapons: Sword/ Fiendish Hand (Plasma Pistol)
    -Combat Abilities: Cloaking
    -1 grenade
    Your role as support has taken a new turn Phantom. Now you can destroy the magic armor the Link's use in a single shot. Be sure to aid those Aeralfos defeat them quickly as they can finish an unshielded Hero quickly.


    -Weapons: Sword/ DMR (Crossbow)
    -Combat Abilities: Flight (Jetpack)
    Similar to the Lizalfos but with a most critical difference: You can fly for short periods of time. This gives you a nice edge for surprising the heroes. Coordinate with Phantom Knights or Stalfos to gang up and finish foes quickly.


    -Weapons: Sword/ Grenade Launcher (Bone Throw)
    -Combat Abilities: Drop Shield (Dark shield)
    Similar to the Darknut you've got a few different tricks: one, you can attack from farther away with bits of your own skeleton that can explode on your command, disabling a hero's shield or killing him outright. You can also create a shield of force that reflects projectiles and rejuvenates dark force. Use these skills to make killingthe Links both safer and faster!

    Finally... THE IRONKNUCKLE:

    Master Ganon has provided a magic orb (Custom Powerup) that can transform any one minion into a powerful armored beast that can oppose the Links. Once they reach the final room it will be available for use.

    Changes are as follows:
    Nearly inable to jump
    SLow movement
    Ability to sprint to take foes by suprise and close in for a kill.
    Thick armor and lots of health
    Inability to regenerate health
    Power melee attacks.
    Indestructable Hammer
    Unbreakable Sword
    (Means infinte ammo)

    As the Iron Knuckle work with your minions to destroy. Have them trip them up by forcing them to you so you can one-hit them or have them act as damage sponges while you lash out.
    Keep an eye on your life: If it gets low the Heroes will soon win.

    Phase Three objectives
    Link team:
    -Get past the monsters and grab the relic! as soon as you do a portal of light will take you out and you'll have won! But that Ironknucle and his minions will make that quite difficult... Remember that whoever carries the relic will be slowed down and unable to fight (Dropping it however leaves you with some of it's power, giving you the ability to unleash some powerful damage in the 5 seconds you have! Use that to clear a path to the portal!)
    -Guard the relic at all costs! If the heroes get it to the portal of light you will have failed! Work to together to overwhelm and conquer! When carrying the relic a Link will be vulneralbe but watch out if he drops it and attacks! This is because for 5 seconds he is infused with power!

    This is the end of it all but be sure to give feedback and comment on it!

  2. Jakisthe

    Jakisthe Forerunner

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    Uh...not sure how much you're planning on mixing up the damage values, but they'd have to be quite a bit different to make 3 sword users vs 1 even.
  3. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    thats a whole lot of swords.
    whatever cool concept you had in mind, beware of the entire thing collapsing into a swordfight rush
  4. Tarkaris

    Tarkaris Forerunner

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    I am aware that numbers need balancing and the swords are available to all the characters... Since it's a little bit of a puzzle you WILL need to use some of the other weapons to advance. Such as shooting a trip mine (Eye switch) to proceed to your objective.
  5. CowsandMoos

    CowsandMoos Forerunner

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    I love this idea so much, but...
  6. Tarkaris

    Tarkaris Forerunner

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    SO I keep getting sword problem posts... Infection is nearly the same without the humans using swords... That and it's required to use a range weapon on the switches in the map to progress and it's probably a good idea to stay away from the ironknuckle as much as possible. Not to mention the jetpackers harassing you as you go about taking out the ironknuckle.

    One of the main reasons for so many swords is this: What weapon is generally used on just about every enemy or boss in the LoZ series? The sword. That and if two people collide swords at the same time they block each other... Just like LoZ.

    So I've listed my reasons but I can see that having everyone use a sword can lead to ignoring the other weapons available.

    Perhaps shotguns are in order then? What makes a good sword replacement to keep a legend of Zelda feel while not making gameplay simply focus on a single weapon?

    By the way: Sketch of the first 2 phases is complete. Area one of the actual map has been completed as well in forgeworld.

    MUDNUB Forerunner

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    To make it more authentic you could print off some pictures of Zelda characters and then stick them over parts of your screen with sellotape. You could even stick the hearts from zelda over your shield bar. The only problem I can forsee is that you might not be able to see much of the screen, but if you're after the authentic zelda experience it might be an idea?
  8. Tarkaris

    Tarkaris Forerunner

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    I meant being authentic gameplay wise not aesthetically.

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