
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Yobo, Jul 20, 2011.

  1. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Titus 2:11
    For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people.

    Salvation is a small asymmetrical map fit for 1v1 matches. It consists of two floors with moderate cover and beautiful aesthetics.

    Changes from version 4:
    Added weapon holders for grenade launcher and plasma rifle
    Upgraded aesthetics to plasma grenade holders
    Fusion coil spawn changed to 20 seconds
    Upper level health station moved to bottom floor

    Weapon list
    1x Spiker
    1x Plasma Rifle
    1x Grenade Launcher
    1x Magnum
    2x Needler Rifles
    1x Assault Rifle
    2x Frag Grenades
    2x Plasma Grenades
    2x Dmrs
    2x Health Stations


    Download and enjoy:3
    #1 Yobo, Jul 20, 2011
    Last edited: May 29, 2012
  2. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    So this is a 1v1 map? I think it would work for a 2v2.. maybe.. From, the pictures its hard to tell if there is or isn't anything else to the map. A few more picture to show the main corners a little more would be helpful I think, though it may be just what your showing..
  3. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    I played the map about 15 minutes ago and it is a simple design set for 1v1 or 2v2 possibly. I do like the simple aesthetics and elevation differences and also the weapon choices are nicely fitted for this map. However, I have 3 suggestions to say. The health packs seem rather very close together and recommend moving the one on the cover more towards the plasma grenades possibly and also, some of your blocks and large braces show small openings in your map or are just not perfectly adjusted and is only a small problem with the map that needs to be fixed. Also, one of your inclines has no color and needs to be set to the color you set them all. Other than that this is a good map and keep up the forging.
  4. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If the map is as small as it seems from the screenshots, 1v1 would play just fine. With such a small map, it is extremely important to get down spawning. So, if you haven't already, make sure that spawns, safe zones, etc. are perfect to eliminate players from taking fire immediately once they spawn. Other than that, the maps looks well done, and I'm sure with the help of the Testers Guild you were able to work out the kinks. I'll check this out when I get a chance. Overall, well done.

  5. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks a lot better, I like the added pillar and more ramps. I would say still this is 1 v. 1 only, 2 v. 2 would be just hectic. Maybe 3 player FFA, but still, very fun for small games. I still love the look of the map, the walls look great with all of the ramp 2 x 2's.
  6. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    Great map you'v done amazingly on this one. You kept it simple and clean, while still managing to add aesthetics. Great job, probably your best yet! :)
  7. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    Just a heads up, but your link is not working! Would like to check this map out, if you could get a working link!
  8. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Link fixed, I was just updating the spawns on the map. I dont know why but the downloads on my map turned to 0.
    #8 Yobo, Jul 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
  9. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    ...if you upload a new version of a map to your fileshare you don't keep the downloads from the old version.
  10. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I don't want to sound like the bad guy, but you aren't allowed to have edited thumbnails. You should change that as fast as possible so you don't get a warning or infraction.

    The map on the other hand is great fun. I had a blast testing this. It is one of the most colorful maps that I have laid eyes on. I'm also glad to see that you took some of my advice into consideration. It is always nice to see people that don't take your feedback for granted. Anyone else reading this post should listen to me and download this map. It is a wonderful map for 1v1 Slayer.
  11. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    If this map is as good as you say, submit it to the Review Hub. Your map will get noticed more that way, especially if it receives a good rating.
  12. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've been seeing this map and had a forge through. The map is indeed small, making the elevation difference that much more drastic. Also, there should be more ways of getting to the second floor since the ramps do come from the same direction and the other side simply gets a lift. What I have said so far makes it seem that I don't appreciate this map as much I actually do. I really like this map even though I'm no good at 1v1. It is very neatly forged, looks like you put time and effort into the layout, and overall has a great and simple aesthetic going on. Look forward to more.
    #12 The Muppet King, Jul 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2011
  13. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Well I m making a map called Volatile and it's in the testers guild for testing right now, but I will release it after I update it one last time.

    Salvation is in the Review Hub right now, but I will post what the review hub has to say once they review it.
    #13 Yobo, Jul 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2011
  14. Burning1nWater

    Burning1nWater Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    if you want ill 1v1 you on it, see me on XBL so i can check it out
  15. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Ok I will set up the match.
  16. Burning1nWater

    Burning1nWater Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    the 1v1 Burning1nWater vs. Sinlesslegend on his new map

    the 1v1 was quite epic. i won against him 10-8, first game of the day, without any prior knowledge of this glorious map. If anyone is interested, click here
  17. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Nice job man, I call a rematch, any map you choose. Right after my bro finishes playing Black Ops.
    #17 Yobo, Jul 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2011
  18. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    Summary of Gameplay

    Salvation is a small one-vs-one map that makes its case using fancy aesthetics subtly reminiscent of the map Sequence and a simple layout that avoids any steep learning curve. However, despite any first impression Salvation may emanate, the overly simple layout coupled with indisputable vantage points creates stagnant gameplay that ultimately boils down to how well which player can hold a corner best.


    Core Enjoyment

    Very little about this particular head-to-head map yields a good time. While the weapon layout may be the most well thought out gameplay element, it is certainly nothing revolutionary when looked at in comparison to the geometrical layout or the spawn system. In fact, the thing that Salvation can proudly boast is its aesthetic prowess. Players will immediately recognize a cohesive theme and object use throughout most of the map and that makes it all the more enjoyable in a sea of despairing feelings when it comes to core gameplay elements.


    Gametype Enjoyment

    Salvation is designed as aone-vs-one map and anything else woulddeteriorate in the face of even worse spawns, even worse clutter, and possibly even worse camping. However, as a one-vs-one, Salvation faces a share of problems. As stated previously, skill on the map is practically impertinent. In fact, most of the game runs down to who can hold the top bridge or top corner the best and rarely requires strategy or thought to maintain. The player who is on the opposite side of this looking glass is the one who must pile all their thought into one plight as he or she attempts to dethrone his enemy off his or her perch. Even then there is very little to counter these inexplicable spots as even the Grenade Launcher on the map remains relatively ineffective in the face of how stagnant games play on Salvation.




    Weapon Balance

    When it comes to core gameplay elements, Salvation has a respectable weapon layout consisting of Needle Rifles and DMRs littered about the map with semi-automatic side-arms peppered about. The Grenade Launcher serves as the centralized power weapon beneath the most dominant spots on the map. Grenades are placed liberally in open areas of Salvation and players tend to have them all the time. On a map of this size though, players that consistently have grenades could easily end up grenade spamming. So while the actual weapon layout is nice, the grenade placements should be rethought as they are actually far more powerful on a map this size than they already are on much larger maps.


    Design Balance

    As a completely asymmetrical map it is difficult to find a decent medium between which areas overpower others and how they can be countered. However, despite how hard it may be to effectively work asymmetrical balance it is definitely something that needs to be thought over carefully and considerably in map design. Do rooms or areas have multiple entrances? Do areas that are easy to camp have accessible flanking routes to counter camping? Does elevation play an overbearing role on the map?

    The honest truth is that Salvation is just too simple, and was done in all the wrong ways. There are easily camped areas that only have one entrance, there are no flanking routes to counter camping, and anyone at the top floor of the map automatically has an advantage over someone on the bottom simply because there are only three ways up to the top floor which are all easily surveyed and suppressed from one vantage point; the corner room just above the health pack. It is easily the most dominant spot on the map and in most cases singlehandedly ruins the gameplay thanks to all the movement going in that direction and stagnating gameplay all over the rest of the map. This pattern continues on until whoever controls the dominant territory gets bored and moves on or a lucky grenade finally takes the camper off his feet.

    The upstairs corner is just one example of many where there is a lack of sufficient flow. In fact, the map’s design almost conveys a style of ‘no choice’ gameplay where to get anywhere players must go one way and one way only. There are only few routes to the top floor and one is in the form of a gravity lift which makes players sitting ducks while they are in the air. The other ways up are ramps that are easily patrolled by the player on the top floor so that anyone coming up is generally already in their line of sight.




    Physical Breaks

    As a completely enclosed map, Salvation has no physical breaks. There are no auspicious bumps in walls or geometry that can be used as a vantage point that obviously is not part of the map. When it comes to breakability, Salvation is as solid as a prison cell from which there is no salvation.



    Spawning in Salvation is poor. That may be blunt, but not a game can be played without at least ten bad spawns plaguing whatever dignity is left in the playability of Salvation. A bad spawn is defined as a spawn where a player is already in the lines of sight of another player. The drop can go either way as the spawning player may be caught off his guard and be killed yet again, or the player victorious of the last battle may still be recovering from the recent brawl only to find that their opponent is in their face once again with possibly no shields and no fair chance.

    This is the result of careless spawns in the middle of the map where players could spawn and somebody automatically is at their rear ready to bear in for the assassination. Not enough spawns is another issue. A forge-through revealed maybe fifteen spawns on the entirety of the map. Reach’s spawn system tends to work better the more spawn points there are and the fact that they are so scarce on Salvation only contributed to the vast amount of spawning issues on the map. Players often spawn in the same locations as well. Even with the fifteen or so spawn points on the map, only about five of those were actually ever used and when the spawning becomes that easily predictable the map’s playability only suffers further.



    Salvation can gracefully boast a lack of lag amongst the entirety of the map. Even though it may only be a one-vs-one map, the lack of any framerate reduction is slightly surprising especially considering that all of the outer walling consists of 2x2 Steep Ramps with the lights showing on all of them.





    Salvation has a clear consistency present throughout the entire map. While there may not be much variation between how the map is constructed Salvation does, at the very least, have the same look and feel throughout most of it. This feel is broken by a few very out of place objects.

    First being a glass sail of which a Needle Rifle rests on. This sticks out as an eyesore when compared to everything else on the map and has no apparent use other than a Needle Rifle resting spot. Next are the cover pieces sitting intermittently between columns on the top floor of the map. They do not flow well with the rest of the design and come off as a lazy solution for a line of sight blocker. Aside from a few hiccups here and there, Salvation is widely cohesive and a the consistency is a pleasure to the eye.

    Key Aesthetics

    Every non-precision weapon on Salvation is highlighted by an aesthetic piece of some sort. Keeping in check with the rest of the map’s theme, these pieces reflect an orange lighting made from colored armor ability icons which do nicely for identifying where weapons are on the map. Perhaps the most iconic piece on the map is the pedestal where two Plasma Grenades rest and while the grenades themselves remain rather hidden in the lights of the armor abilities, the piece itself is a spectacle to behold as a decent amount of creativity went into making it. [FONT=&quot]



    Salvation is neat. All the pieces ranging from the consistent orange line going around the entirety of the map to the simple yet intricate roof design lend itself to a map that is nice to look at. If there is one thing that Salvation has, it is the ability to not enjoy gameplay in the prettiest place possible. Object usage could have been better however. There seemed to be an unnecessary use of ramps and blocks almost inside of each other to achieve some of the aesthetic value behind the map, and while the largely consistent view of the map is appreciable, that consistency could have been sacrificed to save the largely disappointing layout design which ultimately matters more than how it looks.



    As mentioned earlier, Salvation seems reminiscent of the map Sequence, except lacking intricate walkways, an interesting and fair layout, and a constantly moving flow that keeps players on their toes whilst playing the map. Salvation has none of these things, and outside of being pretty, possesses relatively no originality.



    Rating Multipliers

    Enjoyment: 2 x 2.0 = 4 out of 20
    4 x 3.0 = 12 out of 30

    11 x 2.0 = 22 out of 30

    12 x 1.0 = 12 out of 20

    Final Score
    Understanding the Review Hub's Ratings
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    Try editing it into the Original Post
    #18 Organite, Aug 28, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2011
  19. Noble T0M

    Noble T0M Forerunner

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    I noticed from the above that you appear more aesthetic focused than anything else, wich is fine ( I do the same thing) but in all of your pictures i noticed one consistent thing... high budget pieces used improperly.

    + picture two i first notice the decorative struts. While they have lights on them you only use a tiny slither of the piece. You might want to try starting your maps at 90* allowing you to further manipulate the pieces tilt so you can show more of it. Secondly i notice the Railings at the top and after counting decided it could be done with less pieces.

    +picture three I notice the railings again

    and no longer care to download : (

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