ENDGAME: Hellbent

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by xdemption, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    You must love the posts keeping this map bumped up, but you must hate that most of them are banter...

    That aside, I do have to say that I seldom take 'map packs' seriously, but yours has shown to be one of those that stands out where each map was meticulously crafted to be different from the last and still be good all the while.

    Each one has its own inherent theme and might I say this one was pulled off extraordinarily well. Not only is the lava pool impressively done, but so is the rest of the building ranging from its mythical feeling structure intermingled with industrial zones. That in writing may sound like two entirely different worlds forced together, but the way it was executed on Hellbent is exceptional.

    I commend you on your creativity and devotion to true map design instead of just trying to spam the boards with a bunch of "maps" that you threw together in five minutes, calling it a map pack, and hoping it gets comments and MASSIVE DL COUNTS.

    I look forward to seeing more from you in the future :]
  2. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I will admit Each of these maps although amazing in design have all taught me something very valuable. With this Knowledge I shall make the next map pack stand high and tall with no complaints, I now know what I can do.
  3. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Org knows where it's at!

    I second pretty much everything he said. The lava has been done before quite a few times, but this is one of if not the best I've seen it done. I fully understand from my latest project that building in that area, especially the cave, is really hard to get done right. I like the cheeky rocket spawn on the rock. I really can see lots of people rushing for it and falling off.

    Gameplay wise and aesthetic wise, an overall good map. My only issue is that the map pack has flooded my precious competitive map forum :'(
  4. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    sooooowwwwwyyyy i didnt mean to : . . . (

    Edited by merge:

    MAP UPDATE: I know this is bumping the map up but I needed to let you all know there has been slight changes from what the actual pics show you, Hellbent 1.1 has an addition to one of the outdoor platforms as there was flow issues when moving around at the cave entrance, there is now 2 straight-aways between base locations to have more fluent flow to gameplay. I have also reduced on budget cost by 300. with this the fraterate shouldn't be an issue.
    #24 xdemption, Aug 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2011
  5. A Legit Taco

    A Legit Taco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I just fell in love. Looks like I know where my next nomination is going. Anyways all the walkways look sweet, and overall aesthetics are awesome. The rocky area with the lava looks awesome.
  6. Lolwut Flying

    Lolwut Flying Forerunner

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    This map is extremely original and serves some of the most amazing aesthetics I've seen which don't seem overdone. I especially like the lava room, because it looks like a legitimate
    stream of lava going through rocks. :)
  7. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    came to check on some old posts, I appreciate everyone's feedback but I would also like gameplay feedback as well. It is becoming difficult to notice gameplay issues even after countless tests but they are apparent in some areas. Changes are gonna made for a version 1.2 in which I shall be switching the weapon layout around to create better player traffic and adding cover in different areas as well as respawn restructuring. while the map is balanced and plays decently it still has it's moments. I would just like to express my graditude to all of the forgehub community for their feedback and appreciation, it feels good to be known for all of AoH's hard work.

    But did you guys think that was it? WRONG! While gathering feedback my team has worked their A**** off to create absolutely amazing maps. The FATE map pack is on the way and will be soon to be released within a few weeks. the ENDGAME map pack will also have updates to very select maps and I will be letting you all know soon. Thanks again guys!
  8. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    I have to say redemption this is definately a very beautiful map, I love that you did the rock gardens and other aesthetic pieces different and in your own style. While not the first lava pit ive seen it is the cleanest and the only one with the rockets over the actual death pit which is a huge risk for that game changing rewards. While the map may have some areas that seem like they could flow better, I am sure you realize this and will possibly change some areas to get it closer to perfection in the next version. I would enjoy seeing this map in matchmaking as its style is different from what im used to, and you used a area that isnt used very often and did alot with it good job :), if you need some testing help etc, GT: SilentRaine hit me up.
  9. lglize420

    lglize420 Forerunner

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    hey saw your maps thanx to ur post on vulcan. thats kinda messed up the guy tried to take credit for some of your work. Dude not just this map, all your maps, are beutifull. your scenery and the way you just "do" things are realy amazing. It's realy inspiring me to become a better forger. in all honesty i didnt actualy "play" on your maps yet, but i looked around them, and im realy impressed. I made a map called sinfall, prob my best yet, nd now i'm too ashamed to post the other 2, or work on any more maps lol. instead i wana remake my entire map from scratch, nd i wana work realy hard to make it up to par with the maps on this forum. just wanted to say thanx nd you realy opened up my eyes to alo you can do on forgeworld i never thought of. keep up the great work. not trying to ball ride, just givin credit where credit is do.

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