Thanks for all of the comments. @I3ush Sorry, I couldn't make it to the Custom's Lobby. I had a football game tonight, and it went a little long. As for the updated version of Tangerine, I kind of quit on it. I couldn't find a way to fix it without majorly changing the map or making pieces look out of place. I also got rid of it off of my harddrive because I thought you had given up on it. I'm really sorry that I couldn't have been of more assistance. @SinlessLegend I'm pretty sure that I credited you, but I will double check it. If I didn't credit you, I'm extremely sorry. You were supposed to be credited. @Lolwut Flying Thanks, for the rating. I tried to use some originality into this map so I'm glad if it payed off. I hope that you find the gameplay enjoyable. The map has gone through a lot of tweaking to make the gameplay more enjoyable (thanks to everyone who gave feedback). @X2Sora Yeah, I love the hallways now. The blocks are able to block a lot more L.O.S. than the door. I'm so glad that I was able to finish the hallway off though. I cut it pretty close because I currently have no budget left. @Beans 4 Mexican I hope that you like the map.
I actually love the splosions...I built a map that had that same sort of idea back in Halo 3...I mean if two ships are fighting, why shouldn't they be shooting at each other right??? As for the map as a whole...I didn't have time to do a full forge through, but from what I saw in my short run through the map looks amazing...I'll take a better look at the map this weekend, but I don't think I'm gonna find any wrong with the map...keep up the good work!!!
@nopuntintended Yeah, I totally agree with you. Why wouldn't they be firing at each other? I hope that with your full forge run-through that you don't find anything wrong with it. If you do find something, don't hesitate to post. I will try my best to fix that problem.
I always love your maps because they hold more then randomly thrown blocks together. They have character in the color and mood it sets and always has wonderful aesthetics! This isn't any exception either, this map looks beautiful on the inside and out. The only problem that I faced was very much of it felt close quarters and cramp't. This didn't cut away from what I liked though! I just feel like it doesn't give you any use for some of the longer ranged weapons, but as you'v said before this is 1v1 or 2v2 map! I do love the background aesthetics as well really adds more to the character and where you feel you are.I guess if I really had to break it down though, it'd be: - areas feel to small leaving some weapons to be undesired and avoided altogether. + Great aesthetics on the inside and out wrapping the world all together. + Game plays fun with small corridors and tight corners. Grenade wall bounces always made you feel successful!
Thanks for the feedback. That was kind of the feeling that I wanted the map to have. I wanted to make a close quarters map because you don't see very many of them. Yes, that does put more of a focus on close quarters weapons, but that doesn't mean you can't use a precision weapon successfully on it. The fights are just closer precision weapon fights when most of us are used to long range duels. I'm glad that you liked the map. P.S. Have you posted any maps recently because I haven't seen a map made by you for quite a while.
I recall your preview from quite a while ago, when you said you had a completely unique and revolutionary idea, which I found to be the flames from the wraith. It's certainly a cool idea, though a tad obnoxious. The wraith explosion literally shakes your screen if you're anywhere near it, and causes framerate lag up the ass if the explosion happens while you're near it and in a battle. It really hurts the map more than it helps it. The outside explosions really only add to the irritating background noise that this map seems to have so much of. One thing I noticed right away was the massive amounts of hallways. Very. Long. Hallways. These things are everywhere, and if you get caught in the middle of one, getting away from a conflict can be next to impossible. The map would benefit so much from the addition of some more sight lines, and a couple more rooms. It really would. Another issue I saw involved the bridge, though not the bridge itself. On one end, the bridge leads to the open room, and is very easily accessible. On the other side, however, it leads directly to a hallway, so when trying to access that hall from the sides, it requires you to jump. There should NOT be a jump in an area like that, and I can't even tell you how many times it screwed me over in game. Really, I think you've got lots of potential, but all I see on this map is just a bunch of gimmicks. The flames, the little aesthetic teleporters everywhere, the exploding ship, the bridge and all its awkwardness, and then a mediocre design. That is what I see. You spent far too much time on your gimmicks and not nearly enough time trying to make gameplay adequate. CQC combat is fine in moderation, but not in excess. Remember that CQC removes a large element of skill involved in fighting, and it simply becomes a matter of luck or whoever has the better weapon, which is why you rarely see any CQC-focused bungie maps, or featured maps. It just doesn't work well. I mentioned it earlier, you've got potential. Now stop wasting away that potential on frivolities and invent something truly revolutionary.
Thanks for the feedback. I would like to say that CQC maps versus maps with long lines of sight are just personal preference. I see many maps that have L.O.S. that I classify as long so I wanted a map that appealed to a different playstyle. You might think that those types of maps just take luck, but I have to disagree. It takes a different type of skill. Most players are accustomed to medium to long range DMR duels. Not many players handle well with them up close. This map hopefully will build their skill at closer quarters. I have also checked your custom game history up to 8-11-11 (a date before I posted the map), and I didn't find one test on my map. That kind of upsets me that you comment on the gameplay, yet you haven't played the map. P.S. I'm sorry if you can't get past the noise, but the majority of the people like the fire and the exploding ship.
Why do you try to defend your map so much? Let his feedback sink into your head before instantly refusing his suggestions. When a map has minimal LoS, there is less strategy on it. It's like rats running through a maze: eventually they will find each other, one player will die, and the process repeats. If the majority of fights are CQB it will take more luck than skill. Whoever has the better weapon will win 90% of the time. He doesn't need to play the map to understand how it plays. It is a simplistic layout: one central room with a network of hallways around it. He said the noise of explosions was annoying, but he also said it creates frame rate. If you keep the fire you are showing that you care more about how your map looks than how it performs. I understand you don't want to take feedback from me for whatever stupid reason, but when someone you know, like Rurak Kuroda, gives you would be smart to listen.
I just looked at the newest version you have here. The slanted halways did improve quite a bit. Nice job with that, I like the change. Even though they were kind of minor changes, I think the gameplay with be greatly effected from the changes. Nice job, nice ideas, and nice changes. I hope this map will make it featured!
Sorry I'm late in commenting on this as most of what I wanted to say has been said and then fixed in the new version. Aesthetically this map is exceptional, but I agree with the various changes you made based on feedback, such as the incline hallway and the rock hand. I still have a few constructive crits though. For the very minor frame rate issue, especially around the fireplace, I have some recomendations: there are a few tiny gaps in the 2x2 flats around it that cause bumps when walking and I have a feeling that they kind of trigger lag as well when coupled with the explosion. Also, the interlocked columns: while it doesn't matter that my taste is for single rather than rotated merged columns, I think that the diagonal pieces could be removed and the map would look just as well and increase performance. I agree with this, though I'm not sure how you could fix this without changing the bridge too much, except by changing the hallway area instead. Overall I think this is a really nice map, and the accidental asymmetry of it is one of my favorite features.