Video link: Halo Anniversary -- Installation 04 Flythrough - YouTube Map name:Installation 04 There's a new video on youtube which shows the new firefight map which may appear in reach's DLC eventually and will be in Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary! The map also comes with ODST CPU's and the map is based on the last part of the 2nd mission of halo CE.
Finally! A gunner warthog in a FF map. Don't know what to say about the freindly AI...IMO they'll probably die in three seconds most matches.
Oh, awesome, you've played it. How was it? Was it enjoyable? Is my sarcasm even necessary? You don't know how it's going to play, as he said in the flythrough, the AI will mainly remain up top. They could be invincible for all you know. The map looks great. Chaingun warthog ftw.
Sounds pretty factual to me. And yes, it was uncalled for and I am indeed a ****, apologies. Aaanyway, considering AI get infinite ammo in campaign, I can see quite a few little features that'll make firefight a lot easier. Unless of course they wont get into vehicles with you, which would suck so much ass.
Finally. A regular warthog. I was beginning to think there was some rule saying firefight maps had to have a rockethog or nothing at all Are we sure this isn't just for CE anniversary? I don't think this is coming to reach.
/facepalm These maps play off the Reach engine, so if you buy Anniversary, you're technically buying a remastered campaign and a big map pack for Reach that comes with a FF map. These maps will be released at a later date as DLC. Which has been said at least 6 million times now.
IKR? Rockethogs are freaking annoying and overpowered at times. Btw I am quite sure that this Firefight map with be released within a DLC in Halo: Reach eventually, mainly because there are skirmishers in that video while there were no skirmishers in Halo CE.
It's been a long time since I played the Halo:CE campaign, but as soon as I saw that structure in the middle that you had to defend... man did that bring back some fond memories. I'm already envisioning a tactic of blocking off as many ramps as possible with vehicles or crates. It would give you free reign of the map... but you'd be screwed if dropships dropped coveys right on that structure. I look forward to that map.
He mentioned it as the "Central location to defend" during that video, and the little gameplay we saw showed the covenant dropping in just outside it, so I highly doubt they'd drop them in on top of us. That would be like dropping them on the base on Glacier, or the roof of the main building on Beachead. It just wouldn't make too much sense.
And a lot of dead you if you go anywhere near that cliff. Seriously whose idea was it to make the warthog as light as a feather then make the entire edge of the map a giant cliff.
Firefight with friendly ai =D. I hope they do firefight against flood and have 3 "knockoutable" ai that you can use in place of co-op. Knockoutable= Just like in H3 when you "kill" arbiter or johnson they get back up.
This makes a few new gametypes possible. I wonder if we could play as elites against endless waves of AI odsts and marines? could be fun. 6 million times? really. Okay. how bout giving me a ****ing break? I was asking because I didn't know, jackass.
That's what I thought the "new thing that hasn't been done with Firefight before" was going to be. I was getting pumped for it, then they showed this. Needless to say I was disappointed. :\