A fresh take on Pinnacle, Pinackle makes every part of the map a useful battle area. One of the major things I wanted to fix was the spawn trapping, so I decided to impliment some much needed cover. I also wanted to make it more of a rush for the power weapons instead of automatically giving one team the rocket launcher (in slayer games) I decided to elevate the disc and place the rocket launcher on top I made sure that the distance between the lifts to get there were close enough for there to be a battle for it. I also put a soft kill zone on the disc to make sure that camping would not be tolerated Overall I believe the sight lines, the gameplay and balance of the map go much better than what Pinnacle has given us for the reach game mechanics. Please download it and try it out for yourself. [br][/br]Edited by merge:
Add a thumbnail, dude. Just copy the image URL into the advanced options thumbnail image slot. I had a hard time learning it too.
I fixed it for you. You were doing some sort of link url, when you should have been doing the direct image URL: http://i53.tinypic.com/10frp60.jpg
Guys I dont mean to be disrespectful by putting this map out there, I put it out there to fix the issues with Reach's style of gameplay on this map if it was Halo 2 gameplay your right I wouldn't have had to change a thing but its not and aesthetics aren't bad just taste I guess I bet if you played an actual game on it the game play would far out shine Pinnacles!
Ill get a lobby together and see. I will get people who have just played Pinnacle and get them to try this one and see if they like it better.
May I recommend looking at this Pinnacle fix? Maybe it'll give you some ideas on how to properly improve the map. Right now, it just doesn't look like Pinnacle (Ascension), but rather a sort of sloppy re-imagining with yet another high-ground tower, which most likely will just make things worse and no longer even play like Pinnacle. Just things to think about.
that is exactly why I put a softkill on top of the disc and the new tower has limited sight lines so it shouldn't promote camping especially because you can hit the person from behind with the teleporter. But I appreciate the constructive criticism, let me know what you think when you play through it I'm always up to fixing it.
I see what you are trying to do here but to me it seems your main problems were spawns of teams and the rockets....so why didnt you jut put the rockets in the middle and change where teams spawn and boot this up in a custom game with your friends? I dont really think you can call this a pinnacle remake...but thats just my two cents...keep forging =-)
Well I just didn't want to take credit for it all because the main infrastructure is still Pinnacle just with a few (albeit major) modifications... thank you for the thoughts though!