I made a video of all uses of Hacker Device found on the New Zombie Map: Moon. All 9 are in the description below if you don't understand. All Uses of the Hacking Device (Black Ops Zombies) - YouTube I've decided to no longer do anymore voice over commentaries because I hate the way my mic F**ks up my voice. I will redo the video sometime today or tomorrow.
Thanks, Im going to start using that. Sounds like it could help a lot. Thanks for the Feedback. I've been waiting for feedback like this. Thank you. Im not great at commentaries/tutorials, this was the first. So thanks. Go to the Power Room/Pyramid Area. Its the door on the right hand side from the power switch. Now, Sometime it won't be in the 1st Lab or the 2nd. It can be hidden in the 3rd lab which requires 1000 points to open a door. They lay on a counter. Each lab has 2 counters. So its no that hard to find from there on. It looks like a small pouch. It spawns on a different counter every-time. If you don't understand these instructions, heres a video: Black Ops - Zombies - Moon - Hacking Device Location - YouTube
you all seem to be unaware of the Cryogenic Slumber party as well as the Big Bang theory uses..... quite important
wait what? you can hack pack a punch thats awsome theres nothing i hate more than youve just paid for pack a punch and you get downed it is so annoying but this fixes it only proplem is getting thier if you play with someone who isnt in your party or if they don't have a mic and they leave the pad when you get there