Eh, the concept is a little iffy. I'm not too sure it's actually "ironic" but I thought it was clever at the time! Some things: -I tried to get the shadows right. I thought a little bend would make it more interesting -Tried to keep it as simple as possible Do you really need a stock... Comment/critique/enjoy
Looks pretty cool. I know nothing about minecraft so I wouldn't get it. If would try making another version with all the shadows to one side and see how that looks. Would make more sense if you ask me.
I don't play with the default texture pack, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that block is an iron ore block, which is probably why its slightly Ironic.
If the joke is what I think it is and I'm not halucinating from lack of sleep then you mistook a coal block for iron. If you meant to have a coal block and it relates to having a coal torch on a block of coal then I don't get it.
I got what you were going for immediately, and I thought it was pretty cool. Otherwise, there's nothing really notable, but the sig overall looks very nice. Nice font, composition, etc.
Correct me if I am wrong, but it looks as if you have two separate shadows: one for the text and one for the block. The text seems like it's radial and the block seems like the light source comes from above. I may be mistaken, it's 6:32am.
@Rorak, glad you understand it lol @QKT, Yeah..... don't flames produce random sorta "dancing" shadows too? I'd feel like an idiot if i were wrong.. @Nox, yep, the light source is supposed to be the torch.. a little early for ya Edit: removed the shadow behind the torch v2