Sigh... Remember those old games? That nobody plays anymore? That one game that lost LIVE support or the game that was filled with hackers and made unplayable. I'm sure everyone has had gaming Nostalgia. Feel free to post your own story of the games you miss. Personally I miss Halo 3 16 player customs where you played games like dig to china, and teacher and all those other fun games.
Yus. Late night custom games was hella fun. Pretty much Halo 3 matchmaking. I could just go play it right now, but it wouldn't feel the same. Halo 1 hog wars. Goal: flip your enemy with your warthog and ram them till someone dies. No hijacking, unrealistic physics, extremely fun.
Lol, I would hardly consider Halo 3 nostalgic, or anything released less than 10 years ago for that matter. When I think nostalgia, I think of things like faking sick so I could play Perfect Dark on the N64, or when I first got a Gameboy and a copy of Pokemon Red. Now that is some nostalgia right there.
I'm gonna consider my days with the Ps2 nostalgic because that was more than 5 years ago, ah the good days of RPG's that didn't suck.
Sorry, all the other posts in this thread have been moved to the other thread, Ill move my post in there too.