Hi, I'm brand new to this site (as indicated by the amazing post count I currently have). I was hoping someone could help me locate a Forge World map. It was a map that was built inside a cube (over the Island on FW). As the title of the topic says it was sideways/slanted/angled inside the cube - causing your perception to be thrown way off. That's really all the information I have on it but hopefully someone here will be able to help me relocate it.
I assume you mean this one: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-competitive-maps/109998-cube.html The name's kind of a giveaway. Personally I would have called it "Nausea" though - just looking at the screenshots makes me queasy. If that's not the one you mean, there was a whole rash of angled maps there for a while. Search the competitive maps forum for dementia, geometric, disruption...
Quick reply - - thanks for the help but that's not the one I was thinking of (although that map is super badass). The one I was looking for didn't have any sandbags and whatnots. But since there was a huge influx of them for a while I guess finding the particular one isn't really important anymore. Thanks again for the help.