This post may take a while to load, and if you're on a mobile device, sorry, I have a lot of mondo pictures. [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] I know a lot of you have played this in custom games or in it's previous version. After 6 months, too many playtests, and too many versions (nearly 40 different playable versions) it's finally done! Basic Info Summit plays Bungie Invasion, that meaning, the first and second phases are two hill territories, and the third phase is Core. The concept in starting Summit was to get a reverse Spire map, where the core is down in a hole, rather than up in a tower. With many iterations the concept has tweaked and twisted into the map you see today. Some pictures for you that are unfamilliar with Summit. Phase One Gameplay Phase one takes place on the bridge between Montana and Alaska. And yes, I know, EVERYONE made an Invasion map in the same, exact, location that I did, but those all suck. My map is good, and that sounds arrogant, but, sadly, its true. I don't think I've ever played a good Invasion map, not crafted by my golden hands. Enough sucking of my own ****. The map plays just like a Bungie Invasion map, but I would say if I had to pick an Invasion map to relate it to most closely, it would be Breakpoint. Where defending teams can win the first phase, but it takes an extraordinary team to accomplish this. The two hills are only separated by a thin pane of glass, but it takes upwards of seven seconds to get from hill to hill, which is how Invasion maps play best, when hills are areas of the map that have to be controlled and owned by the opposing team. That's enough description that I'm sure no one read, and you all are just interested in Pictures, so I included a lot of information inside of the pictures, and be sure to mouse-over pictures that are labeled with more info in a mouseover. [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Mouseover to view basic Info [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Mouseover to view more detailed info [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] It's hard to capture both sides of a wall in a single picture, mousover for a simpler view of phase one's hills [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Just to show that I put time and effort into every aspect of the game, mousover to see the reasoning for every rock I placed in the first phase Loadouts Spoiler Offense (Elites) Warrior Plasma Repeater Plasma Pistol Evade 2x Plasma Deceiver Needler [no secondary] Active Camo 2x Plasma Defense (Spartans) Scout Assault Rifle Magnum Sprint 2x Frag ProTips This section seperates the men from the boys. These are crucial tips that a winning team will use. Offense Invisibility loadout The invisibility loadout is crucial to the team. Some of its many benefits include; the needler, jamming the opponents radar, and sneaking past opponents in front of their faces. There are several nooks in the walls where invisibility has opportunities to recharge. But be careful because if you try to respawn on an invisibile teammate the opponents can see a red arrow on the person you're trying to respawn on. And another thing, if you have too many people using the invisibility loadout you wont get enough elites on the front lines to make use of the jammed radars. Spartan Weapons Self explanatory, UNSC weapons are just flat out better. But I have found out that many people DRASTICALLY underestimate the Plasma Repeater and Plasma Pistol. Defense Standing in the hill When a defender is standing in a hill, no time can be taken away from the hill. So if there are only two seconds left in the hill and six Elites all staring you down, dont try to be a hero, just **** block the timer. Nading people are forced to stand in a hill, nades kick ass. Phase Two Gameplay Phase two can be won by the defenders, although not impossible to do, it can be a very reasonable task. Phase two happens like this, theres a building with two arms extending from it, and on each arm is a hill, standing in the hill is a great vantage point, but watch for grenades (covered later in the phase two section). There are several ways to attack the hills, from behind, from the sides, from underneath. Phase two has the steepest learning curve and most extraordinary players will stand out here. Here's some picture info... [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] There's not too much to provide about phase two that isn't covered in the protips, so I'll show you that I did my absolute best to reduce framerate in Phase one in Phase two by despawning certain objects until the phase needs them, and this happens in all phases and in both gamemodes to reduce framerate lag on every aspect of the gigantic map. [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Loadouts Spoiler Offense (Elites) Zealot Needle Rifle Plasma Repeater Evade 2x Plasma Saboteur Needle Rifle Needler Active Camo 2x Plasma Defense (Spartans) Marksman DMR Assault Rifle Sprint 2x Frag Spec Ops DMR Magnum Hologram 2x Frag ProTips Brace Large Backboard Have those pesky campers got you down by camping inside the closer arm's hill? Give them some payback by using the big brace large that is right next to themas a backboard for your Plasma Grenades. Invis Wrap-around The walkway next to the rock walkway is a fantastic spot to sneak up on the spartans that can't tell where you are with the invis radar jam. And you can even watch them all jump straight over you! After Phase two is said and done, these are the paths that open up in the phase change between two and three. (mouseover)[mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Phase Three Gameplay Phase three is some crazy ****, you've got half of the map separated off by a drop that can easily kill anyone, vehicles, swords, shotguns, concussion rifles, grenade launchers, rocket launchers, plasma launchers, and so much more. The basic Gameplay element that I was going for here was an "inverted spire" where the attackers jump down instead of climbing up. and I think most of the map turned out really well in this area, I'll cover all of the different ways down later in the section, but heres the basics. [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Overview a simple overview, showing some broad structures blah blah Core building Closer look... Loadouts Spoiler Offense (Elites) Royal Zealot Needle Rifle Needler Evade 2x Plasma Ranger Needle Rifle Plasma Pistol Jet Pack 2x Plasma Assassin Concussion Rifle Needle Rifle Active Camo 2x Plasma Gladiator Needle Rifle Energy Sword Hologram 2x Plasma Defense (Spartans) Sharpshooter DMR Assault Rifle Sprint 2x Frag Air Assault DMR Magnum Jet Pack 2x Frag Operator Shotgun DMR Armor Lock 2x Frag Grenadier Grenade Launcher DMR Hologram 2x Frag The Diving board this is a rather hefty part of the map, and the more knowledge I get out there about the diving board the better. The point of the diving board is to safely transition you to the bottom of the map one of two ways, diving onto the one way sheild doors that slow you down, or by giving you access to the tower that you can jump down. pictures Diving [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] And if you dont feel like diving... Spoiler try the other way down, (The other way down gives you full control of where you land and you can even drop without any fall damage if you jump on the pyramids at the end) There are also several other ways down Impostering Since this map is so huge, I deleted objects in phase 3 that are not necessary to aesthetics that are only making the map flicker and lag, here's all of the lag I reduced. [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Invasion Slayer [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Overview More map? Invasion Slayer needs both sides to be equal, and, lets face it, red side has it waaay better, so, several objects appear only in invasion slayer, and several do not appear from the phases one and two, to reduce lag. Man that took forever to type... Special thanks Rorak Kuroda Nibbles p Nondual q Organite I'm not good at names, so if I forgot to put on here, just tell me. Downloads Summit Download Invasion Download Spartan Skirmish Download
its interesting, alittle too big for my taste, but still worth a shot. the bridge is my favorite and the last part is my least. decent invasion map. btw, i love the post. u did a good job with it
I won't post my thoughts on the final version, as you already know them, and disapprove of them. However, I will say that I used to really, really enjoy this map. It's obvious that a lot of time an effort was put into the map, and it is one of the better Invasion maps out there. Good work.
<3<3<3 For anyone else who views this thread: Keep in mind that meta has been working on this since before forgetacular, and hasn't stopped working on it since. This is as close to perfect as you can get on an invasion map, by far. The work put into this project transcends most of the effort that anyone on this site has ever put on a map, or even all of a person's maps. I don't only give compliments very often. In fact, when I give compliments, it's usually to soften the harsh criticism that I normally give. But I don't have a single complaint here. Only praise.
Definitely one of my favorite invasion maps. Though many have tried, this is the first map I have seen that successfully bridges Alaska-Montana in an invasion scenario. Really having three completely different areas aids the variety of battles, encounters and play styles. Though the canyon area doesn't use that many pieces, it seems colossal with a city-like feeling to it. The map is fun, fresh and well thought-out. +1
Well it seems our lolbox discussion ended on a rather reasonable note. Don't mistake my feelings on the map, its still an impressive work of art, I just don't enoy it as much with the offense/defense switch that was recently made. I also find phase 2 to feel a bit like a filler phase, which isn't as fun or interesting as the phases it is sandwiched between. Meta, if I may suggest putting some the screenshots in spoilers. I read the whole OP the first time, but now I'd rather not spend five minutes scrolling through it.
THE best Invasion map I have played, Meta has gone all out and spent 8 long-ass months stalling to release something I had seen perfection in the earliest phases of its creation. While I had seen perfection before my eyes, what I thought was perfection, it continued to become greater as time had passed. With the philosophy that a forger is never done with a map, Meta continued to place harsh criticisms on himself and the map, the image he had sculpted in his mind began to form itself in this reality. 8 months before now, Summit was already considered a fantastic map, and now I still consider it to be ahead of it's time. Bottom line is that sky is the limit and that absolute perfection is unreachable but Meta has gotten pretty damn close. Urban approves!
I've played some terrible invasion maps lately. This looks like NONE of them. Let me know when you're testing this because I'd love to get my teeth into it. If it plays as good as it looks. . . . and it looks amazing. I love the diving board concept, and how it's not the only way down. Do you need to use any of those structures, or is smart jet-packing enough? *edit* downloaded and poked around in forge. You're a ****ing magician dude, this needs to be in MM, breakpoint is the only fun map anymore, and nobody even has it.
I could not believe my eyes when I saw this in the competitive section, all I could think was finally! I have had the privilege to get numerous games on this map, and they have all been an enjoyable experience. I have seen many bridges built across Montana and Alaska, but this epic monstrosity puts them all to shame. Yet, the thing that blows my mind the most is not that it looks good, but just how awsome the play space is. This map truly is a work of unique art, from the beautiful bridge to the epic dive to the core. If this is not perfection, then I don't know what is. I can't wait to get more games on this meta!
This is truly a great invasion map, one that had so much work put into it it should astound us all. All three phases are interesting, especially moving the core after the dive (I still think an arrow would suffice.) I am very happy you have finished though, it is finally ready to be played by all! "I don't think I've ever played a good Invasion map, not crafted by my golden hands." I would beg to differ. I've played The Hushed Apprentice many times and I would rate it up with Summit. Both are amazing maps. Edit: Also, I need pictures of the new Summit for the Invasion Compilation. Could you get those to me so I can download them?
Summit is by far my favorite invasion map ever. You had so many great ideas and you packed them all into one map. Even more impressive, this was your first Reach map. Amzing job, sir. You put a lot of effort into it. MM now.
I remember playing this almost a year ago when you first started it and I thought you posted it way back then. Still now I think it has incredible potential, but there are some things that still just feel poorly executed. I see you've added some things to lower stress on some places in the first and second phases since I last played invasion on it, but the problem of camping rocks and tops of buildings in the are of the third phase still remains a problem for invasion slayer based gametypes. I don't mean to take credit away from such an incredible map, but there are still some things that could use touching up, even after all the years of testing you have put this through.
I only tested this once, and I must say that it was a lot better than any other invasion maps I've played. It played great for regular Invasion and Invasion Slayer (which I owned at). I must also say that the post is a pleasant read, which sound kind of weird, but I thought I'd mention it. My only complaint is that the first two phases are really easy for the attackers. But I guess that's kind of the way you wanted it, right? Anyways, great work.
Truly a labor of love here, Meta. Every time I've had a game on here I've been pleased with the results, both on the winning team and the losing team. Yet ea few days afterward I would come back and you would be working on a new version of it. It's a bit ridiculous how you were able to take something that was initially a great invasion map and make it something that should be a staple for any invasion party. Wonderful work with this.
I played this once, and I absolutely loved it, at first I thought 'oh my god "sigh", it's another invasion map', but once I played this, I started to like invasion, thnx to you I started playing invasion at least once a day on matchmaking.
I've probably single handedly had 3 hours of jumping off of the diving board while you were forging. I can't say anything others haven't already. Epic map. Why isn't this on the front page yet?
So I was currious on how many downloads it has by now. 1. That isn't right.. I remeber seeing just a fragment of this some time ago in forge with some people, so i can somewhat say I saw this evolve into what it is now lol All joking aside, even though i played this like 3 times I really enjoyed it. great gameplay and movement for phases. Going to the last phase is always the funnest. Jumping right down to the core. I think ill give you download #2
The Rocks are only a minor problem compared to what it takes to fix them, in order to fix the rocks, I either need more kill barriers, or more rocks, I have neither. I used all of my kill barriers on blocking phases off and covering the invasion section during invasion slayer. If I had more rocks I could use rocks that aren't seastacks, but the rocks need to be huge to block the sight from the top diving board to the spartans on the ground, and seastacks are pretty much my only option. And the twist on sitting above the rocks is that there is no strafe room, so if you're up there, you're committed, and not at nearly as great of an advantage. my Ideal setup was that Phase One can only be defended by the extraordinary players, and Phase Two can only be won by players that are clearly better, and the Phase Three core-run is a tie breaker between the two teams if their skills are equal. Glad to make a difference. I actually (shamefully) linked this thread to an older version... so I fixed a couple things on the map and changed the link, thinking no one would notice, but I was wrong...
Wow. I'm not sure if anyone else read the ENTIRE post through, but hot damn. I think you've perfected the whole invasion thing. I haven't even played on it, but just from your in-depth description, I'd bet gameplay is absolutely amazing. I hope to test it in the near future. By the way, is the first picture of the "Phase Three" section supposed to be labeled "Loadouts?" I found that odd and confusing.