Teleporters in Race

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Shadowfacts985, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. Shadowfacts985

    Shadowfacts985 Forerunner

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    So I've been trying to make a race map that has 4 teleporters. The layout of the map is basically just a simple x. My idea was basically to have a teleporter on each arm of the x, which teleports the racer to the arm directly to the right of their current position. In testing the map myself on forge, it worked perfectly. Teleportation was extremely smooth, and I was very proud of my efforts. However, upon testing the map with others, they found that when entering the teleporter, they came out of the receiver with their camera focused to their side, instead of forward. Because of this issue, the racers were only able to recover and stay on the track about 20% of the time (and that was really because of their anticipation of the problem after awhile).

    Is there a way to force the camera angle to stay forward? Why did this problem occur with others, but not myself?

    Any help fixing this would be greatly appreciated!
  2. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The teleporters in Halo 3 had a little light on the nodes that indicated which direction was the front of the node. The teleporters in Reach also have one direction that makes it so that you come out straight, it's just not as obvious. Just turn the nodes so that you come out straight. It'll take a little trial and error.
  3. Shadowfacts985

    Shadowfacts985 Forerunner

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    It's not that the mongoose comes out crooked. The mongoose comes out perfectly straight. The player's camera, however, is facing off to the side, so they begin to turn in that direction immediately. And it's on Reach, sorry. I don't think I specified
  4. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I was just making a comparison. If that's not the problem, I don't know what is. Are you using two ways or a sender and a receiver?
  5. Shadowfacts985

    Shadowfacts985 Forerunner

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    Senders and receivers. Maybe a two way would work? But then the problem is I need each teleporter to receive from one and send to a different one. For instance, Alpha sends to Bravo but Bravo sends to Charlie

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