Now first of all, let me say I understand Forgehub is a community originally based off of Halo 3 that aspired to be more casual and less serious compared to the other groups. I get it. I like it. Nobody wants a pile of rules... But, its come to a point for me. Somewhere between Double Rainbows, Banana Phones and My Little Ponies I came to the realization that there is a fine line between being casual, and being completely immature. UMAD? Yes, quite frankly im disgusted. This community has turned to **** in my opinion, and it saddens me because there are alot of cool people around here, alot of hardworkers, alot of great forgers and its all run by great staff who are knowledgeable and take their roles seriously. I can say fairly though that the minority of you 4chan humping trolls have become the majority and sadly, it is too much for me... I cant compete with this blatant mockery because for every serious post, there are 10 behind it with some sortof shitfaced meme attached followed by an inside joke. You guys know who you are, you feed of each others immaturity and unfortunately for Forgehub, this is your last refuge, the only forum that lets you run amok free of any sort of discipline, the last community that tolerates your childish bullshit. Well, Enjoy it!
Haha, what? We are one of the most strict forums I regular easily. Are you spending all of your time in the PPC or something...?
While I agree with you for the most part, I find ignoring such banter to be the best route; why don't you do the same, Dirt?
Immaturity at it's finest. Huge round of applause to our collective crowd of annoying 13 year-olds. Enjoy your new found infractions. LOCKED.