
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Pigglez, May 16, 2008.


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  1. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The real Obi-Wan Kenobi fights General Grievous on Utapau...

    STAR WARS: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith


    A Map by: Zstrike13

    Download Map: Utapau
    Download Gametype: Greivous

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

    As The Clone Wars raged on and Young Padawan Annikan Skywalker inching closer and closer to the dark side, Master Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi makes his almost last trip into the far reaches of the galaxy. The planet Utapau, a planet built in the crevasses and sinkholes of the ground, has remained neutral throughout the clone wars. However, unbeknownst to the Jedi, the Sith have been housing here for years. General Greivous has taken up residence here as well... upon arriving Grievous meets Obi-Wan. Drawing his lightsaber, Obi-Wan had no idea what a fight he was getting into...

    If you can read this you don't need glasses...


    After creating my aesthetic Star Wars map, "AT-AT Walker", I decided to venture further into the Star Wars saga. This time I looked to Episode III. However, I thought I'd give a go at a battle not yet previously ever done before in forge, The Battle on Utapau. The Battle was quite difficult to capture in Halo.

    Here is a video of the Battle from the Movie:

    Battle On Utapau

    Anyway, I had to try to make it like a three part battle. I managed to make it without any Honor Rules. However, it doesn't mean the battle will be fought exactly as it is designed too. Though there is no honor rule, you don't have to follow the path. Nothing happens, it is just more exciting to follow the path and get to the end of the map... On to the Map!!!


    The map is a three part battle that spans over a five minute period. Won't probably last five minutes but...

    Part One: Battle in the Hangar:


    This part of the fight takes place in the middle of the map, inside. You begin the game here, spawning outside the map in the elevator shaft above the red room. A teleporter is in front of you. Take it. Note that both teams spawn here, so once in a while you could end up in battle here. I'd suggest not to though, you might as well move on to the main map.


    Once you take the Teleporter you are in teh middle room. You can access the red room but nothing is inside, so it's pointless. The room is blocked off too so you can't break out. The main room has nothing too special... yet. There is no escape except up to the middle area where the ghost normally is. But there is no point of going there yet. There are two grav lifts in this room too that lift you to the catwalks above. Destroying the lifts is permanent too, no respawn. After twenty seconds, ramps and three choppers spawn, leading way to next area...

    Part Two: Speed Chase


    Grab a chopper and head up into the tunnel. Go under the bridge and in. Here there are a bunch of obstacles. None are that difficult and all make it more fun, suspenseful and explosive.


    Obstacle One: 5 Cargo Crates-


    Obstacle Two: Explosive wall-


    Obstacle Three: Shield Doors
    Obstacle Four: Forklifts
    Obstacle Five: Barrel Stacks
    Obstacle Six: Fusion Frenzy!!!

    Overview of Obstacles Three-Six:


    At the end are Mancannons that shoot you to the end. Take the teleporters to Part Three.


    Part Three: Battle on the Crumbling Isle:

    Alright, after all that you are taken here:

    The needler is very useful, take it as you jump...

    Fall on to the final platform.


    Every 45 Seconds a Pallet will fall onto the platform. Take cover near the back or in the middle immediately. You'll find out quickly...

    Yea, after a minute, 15 seconds later after the pallet, bombs hit the Isle, devastating the main outer rim. Be careful. Even with 1000, 2000% health, these can quickly do you in.

    Also watch out for these two things,

    1) Falling off the edge. Not particularly terrible, but if you're not careful, you could hit those teleporters on the edges, sending you to an immediate death.

    2) Watch for this little hole in the floor:

    Small, but not small enough. If you run over this, you just might get caught in it, making you fall into another teleporter below. Again, instant death.

    Falling off the edge isn't horrible however, you can easily live. Plus, you get a bigger fight space. It's an option, so if you are getting ganged on badly, run to the hills, err, ground.

    Not much in this area otherwise. Try for the needler. A steady stream of needles hitting your opponent easily takes out their shields. Go for it.

    Gameplay Pics:

    Thought these looked cool lol:

    Obi-Wan and Grievous Clash below the floating Isle... 1337

    Clash in the Hangar... same thing, but still 1337 lol.


    The Gametype, located at top, is an infection gametype based somewhat off of Shock Theta and Insane54's 2v1 Duel gametype for Duel of the Fates.


    Zombie: (Grievous)
    -2000% Damage Resistance
    -125% Damage Infliction
    -150 Speed
    -75 Jumping
    -Normal Radar- 25 Meters

    -Human(Obi-Wan and other Jedi)
    -1000% Damage Resistance
    -110% Damage Infliction
    -110 Speed
    -75 Jumping
    -Enhanced Radar- 10 Meters

    1 Point for kill
    -1 for suicide/-2 for Betrayal

    1 Life a Person
    5 Minute Round
    6 Rounds

    Weapons on Map:
    -1x Needler
    -Infinte Energy Swords (Spawning Weapon)


    -Definitely try to get through all three parts of the map. It's more rewarding.
    -Go for the needler. That is your inspiration. It really helps a TON.
    -In the tunnel, try not to blow up. Get ahead and shoot the explosives when an enemy drives by.
    -Your radar is your best friend.
    -And above all,


    Recommended Players:
    If you want to follow the movie, go 1v1 in an insane battle. If you want more of a challenge, go bigger. Due to only three choppers placed, you might think the limit is three. Not true. Play with 16 lol. Just know only three people get choppers, everyone else walks.

    Personally, 2-5 players is best though.

    Special Thanks go to:

    -My Sister, for helping with the spawn placements :]
    -Reynbow, Novak, Whitelime, Gopuri and all those who helped test. Sorry if I forgot you.
    -George Lucas: You're brilliant.
    -Yoda: Very wise you are Jedi Master Yoda.

    Shoutout to:

    73l-l ^^057 1337 50[1@l_ 6R0v4 0l\l 3@R7l-l: 73l-l 6R@^^^^@R l\l@21'5!!!

    l-l3l_l_2'5 Y3@!!!

    And May the Force Be With You!!!​
    #1 Pigglez, May 16, 2008
    Last edited: May 16, 2008
  2. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looksy good, kinda like as if its supposed to be apart of a star wars map pack.
    But you lost a bit of my respect with "-Your Mom- nuff said. Rofl."
    BUt Still, looks Great.

    Oh, BTW:
    600th Post, YEAH!
  3. kingsharpshooter

    Senior Member

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    what is the aim of the game
  4. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the aim is to kill the other team, like always. Just kill him. Everyone has lots of health so it is tougher, but with only one life, rounds usually never last the full 5 minutes, usually around 3 or so...

    @Linubidix, yea the Your Mom thing was a joke but I decided to take it down, sorry you lost my respect with that...

    anyway, yea, I think I'll make one more Star Wars map, and put it into a pack with this and the AT-AT map to make a star wars map pack. I actually hadn't thought of a pack, but thank you for the idea :] Glad you like the map, knowing you Im sure I will get a review, along with the forge hub review, so I'm sure to get lots of great feedback! Thank you!!!
  5. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Zstrike looks really cool and original i never really had a thing for reannacting movies or such but this one looks good when i get my 360 back from microsoft ill play it
  6. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey playa, cool. Sorry bout your 360- RRoD? Yea reenacting movies I never did either until just recently. Its sort of fun when you do to remember the scene and the dialogue and sometimes speak it as you fight. Glad you like the looks of it!
  7. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Im sure this is a great map but i cant see the pics.
  8. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well im sure this is a good map but i can never see pics and i have red ring od death code e74
  9. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I dont know why not, everyone else can see the pics... try reloading the page...
  10. x DARK BL4DE x

    x DARK BL4DE x Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks good, Will download when on the XBOX. Also 1st post for me Yeah.
  11. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol cool to know your first ever post was on my thread :] Welcome to FH! Glad you like my map as Im sure yours will be great if you post any :]

  12. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    I just noticed you posted this, you shouldve told me. The trap door at the end is my fav part. I still think there must be a way to get into that open box...
  13. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol yeah... I actually forgot to put the rockets in there as a prize to any who can get in... Ill have to make a v.2!!! and yea the trap door is always fun, thats my fav spot too

    EDIT: 555 posts lol...
  14. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    LOLOLOLOLOL UTA-FRICKEN-PAU!!! great job piggy-mc-pigster! sticky, you've outdone yourself, great job man
  15. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Yes Taxi, its UTA-FRICKEN-PAU lol... thanks. You like a big Utapau fan or something? lol... or are you that guy from Utapau who talked to Obi-Wan before the fight, the guy with the hidious teeth lol? I think that's you! (cough cough, BURN cough cough) >_>
  16. texturedlemur

    texturedlemur Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks really cool will DL. It is like duel of fates but with a chase sequence at the beginning.
  17. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    cool map but i dont relly get the point
  18. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map is good, but will require alot of explaining in the pregame lobby (which you didnt explain anything to me and supergooseberry), so when I got to the place you had already been at, you had basically destroyed everything with your chopper, so it all looked messy, then when I got through the chopper tunnel and was on the platform, I saw the teleportes, and thought they les somewhere and jumped into it to my death :( . This thread explains it all, but I still hate insta-death-o-porters. The game is really fun if you understand whats going on, otherwise you're like WTF!
  19. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lol gobbles, glad you liked it. I have fun playing this everytime I play. The three of us, despite your cluelessness, had fun I think. You're right though. It's like cops and robbers. You have to take the time to explain in the pre-game lobby, which I didn't. Sorry lol. And you gotta love some good 'ol fashioned, completely original deathporters. Muy bueno!!!
  20. Creepy Pie

    Creepy Pie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Pretty awsome dude, you could have made the middle section a little smother but i Give it 8.9/10

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