So, I just turned 15 a couple days ago and lately I've been wanting to know about the whole, "first car" thing, and I've been wanting something like a Dodge Challenger (SE at ~24k USD), but it's a pretty nice car (IMO) and while I'd like something nice, since it is my first car, I've a feeling that not being experienced will most likely end up in a fender bender of some sorts. I've seen a few car threads on 7s, so I figured I'd ask here. I'm not very big into cars, and know pretty much NOTHING about them (although I'm ALWAYS willing to learn!) so go a bit easy on the lingo? Also, something to know is that I'm pretty damned short (4'9") and while I have a year to grow, my family's short, so nothing too big. By the way, I'm not expecting to have a car right when I turn 16 or whatever, I'd just like to have something in mind, yknow? Thanks in Advance guys.
A used honda or other cheap used car would be a good first car. My friend says all Honda's come with snap on, whether this is true or not I have no clue. Snap on bumpers will probably save you a lot of money if this is true though.
a VW Golf would be a good first, agree. however, i think its important to have a shitty car first, before you finally get a nice new car. apparently you have 24,000 $ though, so i guess money is not an issue for you. i hope you crash your shiny new mommy and daddys money car and then they force you to buy a 500$ junker
I lol'd. Also QFT. It's always best to start with ****, and learn how to fix stuff and then get non-**** so if your non-**** ever f's up, you'll know how to fix it. --So get a shitty VW Golf.
Go for something small and cheap, I've been driving my chevy cobalt for a year now and I love it. I get 30 mpg average, plus they are pretty cheap used, it only took me a couple years to save up. I'd also suggest looking at a manual, they are tough to learn on, but knowing how to drive stick is a great skill to have, it's fun as hell as well. The only thing is coupes tend to have higher insurance premiums, but it's definitely not unaffordable. A lot of my friends drive Honda accords, so that's an excellent choice as well, good gas mileage, and there's a ton of them used with decent mileage. Check out for cars, they have a bunch of information, that's how I found my car.
Just like yourself! <3 OT, I really like the first suggestion. In fact, I'm turning fifteen in four days now, and am probably going to hold that advice all the way until I can afford a car.
Dont buy a Jetta. **** that car. If you've found a car that you like, be sure to look around the internet to find out about trends for that car. I'd suggest a toyota, old or new. they're relatively expensive for first-time car owners, but the good thing is that's it's reliable, fuel-efficient, and japanese (many mechanics buy japanese parts in bulk, toyota or otherwise).
Save the nice looking, fast cars for later. For the next few years the insurance is going to **** you in your small tight ass. A VW Golf is a pretty good suggestion. Cheap, runs for quite a while, good on gas. Old Bugs are pretty sweet too! And yes, learning to drive manual will benefit you greatly, chicks dig that **** too.
Get a 90's Toyota. Preferably a Camry. They last a RIDICULOUSLY long time with little repairs. My dad owns a 2004 Matrix with 198,000 miles on it and it's perfectly fine. He's barely had to repair it. Oh, and this ^
If you live somewhere where it never snows, screw the car, get a motorcycle. Gas and insurance almost become a non-issue. But the toyota/ honda advice is good. However if you have money as has been hinted at, I have a Ford Explorer (2003) it get's great mileage for a car of it's size. It's roomy and comfortable. I travel cross country two to four times a year and it's got 120,000 on it plus half that in miles it's been towed behind our RV. Never had any major issues. Change the oil and brakes when you need to and it'll last forever. Our '91 explorer before that hit 400,000+ miles before the head gasket became unbearably leaky and we decided keeping it working wasn't worth it anymore. In short, Ford Explorers are worth the money. I have a friend who swears by the Taurus too, but I know nothing about it.
I didn't mean to imply that I had the money, though I wish I did. Sorry for the confusion... but the money would be my own, from my own career/job (I'm an actor) so I take a bit of offense from that... Again, I'm definitely willing to learn about Cars, so it's not a bad suggestion at all. I live in Vegas, so the snow is NOT a problem. I've got a bad leg (through a serious medical condition, not a "oh I broke my leg" excuse) so the Motorcycle would be a bad idea. Ironically, we found out about my medical condition through Dirtbiking. Also, driving to Cali and back to Vegas on a Motorcycle would not be comfy...
I remember that, actually. You were talking about it a while back in the shoutbox. I'd still reccomend the FIAT 500, it's small, quick, good mileage and a lot of fun.
Fiat 500. Suppose to be the best car under 20,000. That definitely a contender for NEW cars. But you're a kid, you don't need a new car. Get something cheap, used, great mileage.
You can pick up a used one for just under 11,000. At least in Canada. This can help narrow down your options, possibly
Hummers are enormous piles of ****. Want a reliable SUV? Nissan Pathfinder. Then again, the gas mileage on SUVs will kill any student (Unless you **** money).