Maverick v1

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Fragsturbait, Jun 27, 2011.

  1. Fragsturbait

    Fragsturbait Forerunner

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    First off, thank you for checking this thread out. If you're interested enough to peek at this map, I hope you'll go on to download it. I've got a few other maps that are ready for posting, but I'm holding off on them until I get feedback on this one. (of course if you're greedy you can always check my file share)

    So without further ado I present. . .


    This map was born from an earlier failed map, I don't usually do any conceptual work, so I wind up with a lot of unused ideas. This one borrows elements from a few of those aborted projects, and I've been getting great feedback on it from my friends. But I know no one is here for my ramblings, so bring on the pictures!

    Red base on the left, blue base on the right. Note the rocket spawn in the small structure in the foreground, sword spawn on the lower level of the blue base.


    Sniper spawns outside the blue base, top level. Grenade launcher directly underneath

    Shotgun spawn in the pit under the red base, south hall runs under rocket spawn to other side of map

    close up of the rocket spawn, ramp leads down to south hall with an assault rifle and dmr. Needle rifle spawns on platform below

    Sword spawn glamor shot

    Center structure looking at the blue base. Also, me.

    There is a Ghost in the middle of the map, and its possible to take it a full lap around the bottom part of the level, if a little tight in some places. I'll probably take it out in future versions, but its caused a few funny moments in playtests with friends, so for now it stays.

    AAAND the map as a whole

    I welcome all feedback, praise, and constructive criticism. Seriously, do your worst. :p
    #1 Fragsturbait, Jun 27, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
  2. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    I haven't got a chance to play this yet, but maybe a little too close quarters for a ghost? MAYBE ADD LANDMINES! Just kidding, but this looks like a pretty good map, as its open in the middle, but close quarters on the edges.
  3. Pikapi 360

    Pikapi 360 Forerunner

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    I love the way that you fit the tower into the platform structure on the side, and still managed to use it to the best of it's ability. A great place to pop out and score a few assassinations. And I personally believe that the ghost is an interesting addition. The narrow paths make using it risky, but it is capable of leading one to victory still. It also forces the vehicle snatchers out into the open field, where snipers will make quick work of many. Interesting indeed!
  4. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I love the way that its not pinnacle.

    Seriously, I do think this map might have some potential, though with sword, rockets and sniper, I am concerned about power weapons, and the ghost might be just a bit out of place. Maybe edit the weapons around and delete the ghost? Just a suggestion.
  5. Fragsturbait

    Fragsturbait Forerunner

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    After some testing earlier I've made a few changes. The spawning should be tuned a little better. I've fixed the map breaking issues that were discovered, along with some of the kill barriers. I deleted the lights because they were causing framerate issues in some spots. Although it was a heart wrenching decision, I also deleted the ghost in the middle. I was sick of every map having a rocket or a sword in the middle. I wasn't really thinking about how not every map needs something in the middle.

    Click below for an updated link.
    #5 Fragsturbait, Aug 23, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
  6. Javidson Ist

    Javidson Ist Forerunner

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    After testing this with you last night I have the following points to make:
    Makes use of an underused part of forgeworld
    Makes use of the natural environment
    Well done for making it assymmetric
    The variance in the range of combat
    The map seems jumbled together in some places with uneven floors and some forge pieces just not looking right. Thiswas mainly around red spawn.
    The amount of power weapons seemed overwhelming. It felt at one point like the other team had 2 power weapons each. To fix this I suggest either removal of some or staggering there spawn times and not having them spawn at the start
  7. Fragsturbait

    Fragsturbait Forerunner

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    thanks for the feedback, based on your positives i've accomplished pretty much everything i set out to do with this map.

    I've done the best I could with the floors around red spawn. The floors are actually very even. I never even saw any ghost launching when I had it on the map. Problem is that middle level floor is dictated by the Large Tunnels I used for the lower level, and those have some funny angles in them. I've cleaned it up a little bit, but there isn't much I can do.
    RE: Power weapons; I've made it so Sword and Rockets no longer spawn on start. And even though this seems counter productive, added a Conc Rifle spawn under the rockets. The reason for this is the blues now spawn with access to the sniper and grenade launcher, the reds only the shotgun. If that still proves unbalanced I'll flip the Conc and GL. If that still doesn't work I'll try something else.

    Thanks for your feedback! Did we play any of your maps? I'd be happy to return the favor.

    OTT2RAPEU Forerunner

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    This map = Awesomesauce!! =) But really this is the only map that i have seen so far that spans all the way around Pinnacle and does it effectively which i think is a great idea and it suprizes me that i dont see more maps built around Pinnacle.. Its such a cool idea and you have executed it really well. It looks nice and really cleanly forged,the weapons seemed balanced and i like that you didnt just throw a rocket or sword right in the middle like 99% of people seem to do with competative maps..that gets old... But in my opinion,the Ghost was a good idea and a unique center neutral weapon, and i drove it around and i think it feels great on the map and its not overpowered so dont let those "MLG types" convince you that its stupid to have a vehicle on the map and that its not "legit"...They're just jealous because they suck with vehicles because all they do is DMR all day long... "cough boring"... True Halo players can take any weapon and adapt to it use it to their advantage. But its your map so you can do what you want,but i think the ghost is awesome on here and is not overpowered and it makes the map more fun and versatile. But over all this is a great playing and looking map,so keep up the good work!! =)
  9. Nick Taber

    Nick Taber Forerunner

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    I did enjoy this map a lot, we played on it the other day. Super fun map. Love the location. Can't wait to see what else you have in store.

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