Thanks! It was a pain to get all of the pieces lined up nicely. And as for my next map, I have some screenshots here that I'd love for you guys to check out and comment on. Thanks for DLing everyone! And here's a pic of the frontside of the new map (when it was only like 50% done)
Thanks. =) I can't wait to post it either. The damn thing's taken almost a month to work on, and should be ready by the end of May (provided there are no complications). Speaking of complications, did you know that dropping something off of the map by accident despawns it and therefore takes it away from your runtime maximum? I've had to re-budget glitch my Blackout map at least five times because of losing a bridge or box to the abyss. Arrrgh! Thanks! It's good to know that some people appreciate the blind corners. I love them for the "****" factor. At least that's what I call it. =P If you can make someone crap their pants because of a sneak attack in a video game, I call it success. =D
Thanks for the continued support guys! I'd really appreciate it if you would all check out the Interrobang link in my sig, as that's the next map I'll be posting in the competitive maps section, and I'd like all of the feedback I can get. I'm currently working on two projects, Interrobang (which is almost done!) and U (which is a codename for a new Foundry map I'm working on). Again, thanks for all of the positive feedback about High Haven, and I hope you all like it!
Glad you like how it looks! I put about three weeks into perfecting the geometry (minus sinking the tunnels on the bottom, that caused problems with wall evenness when I did it so I left them up top). What exactly did you like about the map? I want to know what I'm doing right so I can keep doing it. xP And thanks for the rep!
I was surprised to see that there were some new posts on this thread. I haven't looked at it in a long time. xD It's good to see that it's still getting some activity 4300 DLs later though. Thanks! But please post longer messages than two words, or a mod/admin will probably give you an infraction. Cool! I hope you like it. Try some small party games on it, and see how it plays. It's great for times when you're trying to get a large party going, but you only have a few people and you don't want to bore them while you're waiting in the lobby.
This map looks amazing, there are so many aspects to it and ways to get from the top to the bottom that the map flows perfectly. Also I love the shied door entry point, it is a very nice touch to the map. Great job interlocking and making a CQB map.
Wow! I checked Haven's DL count and it's already broken 4400!! Amazing! Thanks everyone! I also noticed some new comments on this thread. And I love Dodge Zombies. As I said in your group. Thanks for posting! Yes, yes they are. I'm planning on putting 303 in a future map's name, so as to give me an excuse to make a Youtube video for the map featuring one of their songs. xP
I have not commented here yet?!?! Well alright. Here ya go. I really liked this map, both for its aesthetics and gameplay. It was the first thing I had ever seen that didn't use all of Foundry. Gameplay flows through the entire thing with much more efficiency than I had ever expected. This is obviously due to the fact that there are so many different ways to go from the first to the second level. I especially loved the elevator corner. My favorite gametype on High Haven was definitely oddball. This was because whenever you or the ball respawned it was in a decently reachable place, unlike most other maps. The ball wasn't, however, too easy to reach at any given time due to the multiple levels. All together I give High Haven a 5/5.