A simple house filled with little hiding spots here and there and and a killer on the loose looking for you. This house includes a livingroom, kitchen, bathroom, upstairs bathroom/shower, upstairs bedroom, and upstairs master bedroom. The main point of this map is to run away, hide, or if your good enough, juke out Michael Myers if he gets you traped in a corner. Michael is invincible just like he never dies in the movies weve all seen, he alsi is vary slow so you can outrun him if your lucky. Survive until help arives and youll be free(when round ends). Be carful though, he comes when it gets dark so be ready.. Best played with multiple people. Thanks for downloading and if you liked it, give it a thumbs up!! LIVING ROOM FIREPLACE BATHROOM KITCHEN STAIRS BATHROOM SHOWER GUEST BEDROOM MASTER BEDROOM
nice TV. I've actually been wanting to play this type of game for a while with a lot of people. Next time I get a big group I will try it out, thanks.
This map is really fun, in my opinion a new version of cops and robbers but nowhere to hide. I added another teleporter in the house so the humans cant spawn camp. It's still useless, and when the humans assinate michael myers the game doesnt end, is there a way to fix this? Add my gt: shikarix59 I would love to help this map!
thanks for the good coments guys, and there is one rule i left out and its "you can only assasinate Michael Myers if you the last one left". so you have to be extremely sneaky, or just survive the entire round and get bonus points, your pick.
Does this require a honor rule? Because being Michael Myers, I always got assasinated after the going through the teleporter. I was thinking of adding a box room and a 10 second kill boundry in it. So they can't camp.
yea your just going to have to tell every one to not kill him wen he comes out or until you the last one left because if michael dies then the game will keep going and youll wind up waiting forever for the round to end.. so just make sure everyone followes those two rules and the game should run perfect. [br][/br]Edited by merge: my GT is aNtiKkZz and ill be happy to play with you if you got a somewhat large amount of people that will play, because i dont have alot of friends that play halo alot so i have no one to play with..
Or you can switch the human and zombie spawns. Use this trick.. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-...1-solution-how-end-game-when-zombie-dies.html Then add 1 way shields for a little room for Michael. Problem solved. I added your gt, accept me if you want and we can work on this.
To help with honor rules, just make everybody have 0 damage and beat down , change last man setting to 300 damage and beat down, this allows the last man to kill the infected. Also great aesthetics
You are only allowed to assassinate Michael Myers, so wouldn't that idea be useless? Couldn't you reverse human and zombie spawns , then the humans infect zombies. [br][/br]Edited by merge: You are only allowed to assassinate Michael Myers, so wouldn't that idea be useless? Couldn't you reverse human and zombie spawns , then the humans infect zombies.