Unsworded (Sword Base)

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by OvErKillTaCuLaR, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. OvErKillTaCuLaR

    OvErKillTaCuLaR Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hello Forgehub! I made a variant of Swordbase since it always bothered me how poor the map plays in Matchmaking and because we have at least some options in Forge I tried to make the best out of it.

    The map was originally based on xX Overkill vR's "Swordless" thus it says he is the original creator.I also used his weapon placement so alot of credit goes to him.

    The map is designed mainly for Team Slayer and KotH, Oddball may work as well.

    Sniper at default spawn, 150s


    Grenade Launcher at Shotty spawn 90s with 4 spare clips


    Camo at Sword spawn, 120s does not spawn at start


    OS at blue room, 120s, does not spawn at start


    Soft kill zone at top green (instead of tele since it didn't really work and the barriers somehow de-spawned a couple minutes into the game.)

    Added Ramps with Sandbags and Crates to allow more options for map movement


    Teleporter takes players from Back stairs to 2nd floor + another ramp



    Blocked off windows. Windows create standoffs and slow down gameplay, especially in Slayer. IMO if players wants to see the map they should have to expose themselves and not wait behind indestructable glass.


    Hope you enjoy it and I'm looking forward to constructive feedback!
    #1 OvErKillTaCuLaR, Aug 22, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2011
  2. Naughty Badger

    Naughty Badger Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The receiver for the green vent has a problem. The crate things blocking the green room disappear as the game progresses until they are all gone. I say fix it sire!
  3. OvErKillTaCuLaR

    OvErKillTaCuLaR Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dammit I thought I fixed that. The problem is I don't know what causes that to happen =(
  4. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    This is a pretty cool idea, me adn my brother used to do this on Halo 3 maps. I will say the ramp by (original) sniper spawn, it would be nice is you could walk up it somehow instead of having to jump. Maybe create a somwhat of a circular staircase around the planters?
  5. 12qwazx

    12qwazx Forerunner

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    Umm, IMO Sword base is one of the best non dlc maps.
  6. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    I agree with all of your decisions except where the tele for the green lift spits you out. I think you should move it to the right where that little nook at the top of the stairs is. This will still put you in a dangerous position if you want to use the lift since the area is still highly trafficked no doubt, but at least it won't right into the middle of everything.
  7. Bogonthebored

    Bogonthebored Forerunner

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    an interesting modification to sword base.
    I don't think it plays too badly in matchmaking though...

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