Some of my recent screenshots which look neat! Celestial o-143 Apparition Annihilation Purgatory Ablaze Fantasy Uncharted
I'm pretty sure every screenshot you make gets a thousand downloads, and is featured on Halo Waypoint. Anyways, these look great, I especially like the first two. Great work.
Every one of your screenshots are captivating, and the rest of the community thinks so as-well. Just keep em coming!
glad you guys like them, and yeah they do get alot of DL's and featured on waypoint lol well thanks for the feedback everyone!
Purgatory and Ablaze look as if there on the last level. Because those don't look like flames, there clouds. You see a lot of those on the Pillar of Autumn. I have to say, those are some really sexy armor combinations yah got thar.
I love the pictures that involve the cloudy backgrounds. The mix of Red depths and cloudy features looks amazing.