The MM Community has steadily gotten worse

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by So Saucy, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. james 24993

    james 24993 Forerunner

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    I never got griefed on Halo 3 and quitters were much less common. The new xp system and the booting system are just heaven for griefers, quitters, AFKers and generally assholes.
  2. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    I disagree. I remember a similar ratio of games ruined by quitters in halo 3. it was constant
  3. james 24993

    james 24993 Forerunner

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    We need stronger punishments! After quitting, you lose a lot of xp, are banned for 45 minutes and the first game you join you have no shields the entire match...Every time you leave again while on probation the quit ban increases by 15 minutes! At least then all the quitters will be sitting in the lobby instead of in (or rather not in for long) our games...

    And for the love of God 343 fix the damn dashboard/sign out glitch!
  4. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    That's stupid. The reason quitting isn't as harshly punished is because they don't want to alienate casual players.

    Regardless of what your efforts are, there are always going to be people who are going to be in the middle of a match, and then suddenly have to quit because they have more important things to do. With this current system, they aren't punished harshly if at all.

    With your system, the next game they played would be hell.

    That's exactly what Bungie are trying to avoid. Hardcore gamers aren't the only ones out there. You can't be selfish about it either, there needs to be some sort of balance to keep the majority happy. That's a massive feat to pull off.

    And if you do manage to pull something like that off, it needs to be realised that still, not everyone will be happy. You can't satisfy everyone at the end of the day, no matter how simple it may seem in the eyes of one person, it could be twice as complex in the eyes of another.
  5. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    While it is true that Reach does have issues with people quitting and such, there really isn't much you can do without ruining the enjoyability of the game for a crowd of people, they can't please everyone.

    Honestly though if you don't enjoy the way the community is you really shouldn't play by yourself, but rather with friends. I regularly play BTB and I can tell you if I am playing with randoms, I already expect people to quit. Usually resulting in me doing most of the work, that is pretty much the way it is every game. Though I have found that by making sure the enemy doesn't spawn trap my teammates or completely dominate the game you can ensure that less people on your team will quit.
  6. So Saucy

    So Saucy Forerunner

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    I just hope it's not a cR based leveling system.
  7. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    99 complaints by so saucy, 99 saucy complaints...

    I really think there is nothing besides a neg review and a mute you can do against these kind of people. Making complaint threads like this one usually does not help.
  8. newbieninja2

    newbieninja2 Forerunner

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    would you rather have a medium sized epidemic of quitters or a large epidemic of AFKers because thats what we will get. all the guys who are having a bad game, and that means everyone. the people getting spawn killed, the casuals, the hardcore that come across a cheater/modder thats wrecking your ****, the people (like me) that get iterupted by a load of laundry, the hot dogs burning or (not like me) there mom shoving them off so she can watch the price is right. Everyone, and i mean everyone will get ****ed over by that plan.
  9. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Indeed. In my instance, my TV and Xbox are in my room, along with my laptop and everything, and I'm extremely lucky enough to have the internet to myself.

    Others are not so fortunate. There will always be people who quit simply because the game isn't going the way they wanted. Maybe they didn't get their favorite weapon, maybe their team is losing, maybe they're finding the game boring. Those people are the ones who need to be punished.

    But there will always be people who's xbox maybe is in their living room. Maybe their parents want to watch TV, their little sibling wants the xbox, the internet is slow because someone's downloading something. Maybe it's dinner time.

    Those are the people that shouldn't be punished, because it's not their fault. Those are the people who don't quit when they have the choice, and they quit rarely.

    This is why the current system seems to be the only plausible option. Honestly, there doesn't seem to be much else that can be done.

    If someone actually has a balanced and well thought out solution, I'll be glad to hear it. But punishing quitters heavily is not a good idea.
  10. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    There's nothing wrong with a cR leveling system as long as the payouts are based on winning/objectives/performance. Halo 3's XP system was more or less a cR system based on winning with XP being the cR.
  11. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
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    Maybe they should allow for negative cR. What are the stats that it gives you cR for, finishing the game, performance, challenges, commendations, and jackpot right? Make the finishing game count for less, and have the performance bigger and be able to go negative.

    For instance killing a flag carrier whose on your team subtracts a percentage based on how long was in the game, how many points where scored in total, etc.

    For those jerks who hold an objective make it so that standing next to a return point without moving (very much/at all) starts a negative clock going with so many points a second after 20 seconds or so has already passed. That way no one will want to be the guy to hold it while the rest of the team gets kills. Possibly also make it so that just standing next to the objective waiting to pick up the flag/bomb/core counts for a negative if you have full health. They could incorporate the part of the spawning system that determines if an area is safe to start the clock on these negatives.

    Each betrayal and each suicide also counts out a percentage of the performance stat, and for the guys who think they are clever and just chare the enemy without shooting, if you K/D for the end has double the number of deaths as kills then it chalks up a percentage based on the same system. However doing damage to enemies who are in objective zones or carriers helps to negate it (incase you just have a bad game, or get spawn trapped.)

    If you quit you don't get the game complete bonus the next game you play, and possibly have a severe reduction to your performance score.

    The percentages would have to be fiddled and played with to make this system fair, but I think setting up something like this would help because it's just framework and the meat of it can be easily modified.
    #31 R Richard P26, Aug 10, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2011
  12. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    This, Nostalgia is a powerful emotion.

    Also proof of your theory when I first seen a turret of a tank blown off a alive tank the enemy driving the tank hoped out we stood right next to each other walking around it laughing and talking about it for a good 10-20seconds then went back to normal fighting. Now no one would take a second look. Then he loled and continued the game now if he was a "quitter" he might of raged quitted right then for losing his tank.

    Not hating on dedicated servers but when I play PC games with dedicated servers I will quit a lot(by my standards of never quitting any xbox games when it can be helped) because if our teams getting flogged and the game is been purposely drawn out for kills or game just started and you hate this map or other reasons you just quit and move on no one really cares you will probably get replaced.(I still try my best to win and complete most games on DS, If that happens on xbox I wont quit)
    I dunno if it's just me but with dedicated servers I have the feel of each individual game isn't as important as your overall stats. But on xbox I feel like every game is important and people who play a lot of dedicated servers MIGHT have the mindset of each game isn't as important as overall stats and halo should just introduce joining in mid game. (just a thought, Dedicated servers are cool! :D but not for halo)
    As long as you can't go down in rank so People can't be like "Look at me I'm a recruit with inclement weather" I can't see something like that been a problem.
    #32 WWWilliam, Aug 10, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2011
  13. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I like the idea of matching high percentage quitters with other high percentage quitters.

    If you don't like it, then stop quitting and you will stop being matched with other quitters, simple as that. If this was well known that quitting put you in league with other quitters, you would think twice about dropping out. I think just the threat of that would discourage quitting.

    I usually play with friends so others quitting hasn't been a huge issue for me, but to be fair I am pretty casual in actually playing (I forge more than I play lol). I can see how if you are trying to earn upper ranks and loads of credits how quitters would be annoying.
  14. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nooooooooooooooo. No down in cR. Then you have the Derankers which were a problem in H3.
  15. Benji

    Benji Ancient
    Senior Member

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    But why would you derank in Reach?
  16. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    But why would you derank in H3?
  17. Reign

    Reign Forerunner

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    "ahh hh i suck ot this gaem i cant get a 50 and i cant get past the rank of gunry sargnt i haf to derank" Is probably why.
  18. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    I'm a little late to the party, but I guess that is because I never check this section. Nonetheless, I guess I will give my own opinion. I would say that the community has gone unchanged for the most part. Halo 3 was a quit fest, and halo reach is not better or no worse. They tried their hand at the quitban, which IMO is the only thing that can be done, and at least it is better than nothing.
    Has the community changed over the past eight years? I think so. I don't remember nearly as much yelling and annoying kids singing in H2 as there were in H3 and reach. My memory could be clouded a bit, but it seemed a little better back then. Yet, then you had all the cheaters to contend with.
    As for the people that don't use mics, which results in less team work, can you blame them? I am with Nut on this one. Being one of the older gamers, I really don't want to listen to all the kids and the screaming. Even though I like winning, and I love team work, it is not worth listening to all the raunchy bullshit that goes on in lobbies. Therefore, every time I enter a MM game I always am in party chat, and to remove that feature would ruin the enjoyment of the game for me. I was so happy when I noticed that reach made it so you could mute the other team, that way I did not have to hear people talking crap.
    Is it any worse? I don't think so. Will it get better. Not unless the world changes.
  19. t507 771t5

    t507 771t5 Forerunner

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    the game already tracks every game you play, k/d spread, suicides, ect. they could use those stats as a search trait to match you with simmilar players. I dont think the problem is going to be fixed with imaginary negatives. They just need to keep us from having to play with those players.
  20. Fragsturbait

    Fragsturbait Forerunner

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    This. This. This.

    Plus the current ban policy, plus zero credits for quitters. Probably won't change much, but at least I'll know they aren't getting anything out if it. I am NOT a quitter. There have been a few times I've had to leave games, but never rage quits. Generally if I think I won't have enough time to finish a game I won't even start it. Network issues of course don't count.

    Sometimes though, quitters can set up the most unbelievably clutch moments of gaming awesomeness. Like the time I was playing Team Swat and got stranded alone against a team of 3 halfway through the game. Instead of getting all butthurt about it I finished the game. lost by one point at the time limit. If it wasn't for one guy who went -8 before he rage quit I'd have probably won. Don't believe me? : Reach : Game Details
    ^^click here^^

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