I used to make Warcraft III maps, and this one site had a whole sub forum for this. Basically, it's a place where people can come to find ideas for a map to make or post ideas for maps that they aren't going to make and want to allow other people on the site to use. To start this off, I'll post an idea for a map I thought about making, but decided not to, feel free to use it or modify it and then use it if you like. In this thread you can also talk about maps your thinking of making, and need a little help designing. If you do this, you'll have to trust other members to not steal your ideas. If you use an idea from the Idea Factory, it is expected that you will then inform whoever came up with the idea and link to your map for them to see through PM. And finally, don't post any unoriginal ideas here. The point of the idea factory is to get more people to create original maps. The concept is there is a room where zombies spawn, over time, a variety of different vehicles spawn here, as well as rarely, super speed, increased damage, no vehicle use custom powerups. There is mancannons here that can launch zombies in vehicles or with custom powerups into various different locations within a small race track, which is inescapable and where the humans start. Humans have infinite ammo with rocket launchers and shotguns(rockets primary) and must shoot flying zombie vehicles out of the sky before they land. Humans have no shields and very low damage resistance, making them very vulnerable to a zombie whose vehicle survives. They also have increased damage to make sure they can shoot down larger vehicles. Zombies are super slow outside vehicles unless they have a custom powerup, and can't jump. Humans have normal gravity and speed, and can use vehicles, however the only way for them to get one is if they shoot a zombie out of a vehicle without destroying the vehicle. If a human gets a vehicle, a zombie can kill them by getting a wraith or gauss warthog or by picking up a rocket from a killed human. No weapons spawn on the map.
My idea, its not abandoned yet, but, its dumb. Anyway, each team spawns opposite of eachother. The map is a simple Two level map, and theres only a single door that lets you get to the other side. But thats not the point. It's a normal map, weapon placement, yada yada. Except each team had a bomb plant point and bomb spawn point in the same spot. So as soon as you grab the bomb, its planted. But theres a catch. When you drop down the shoot, you fall straight into the teleporters, and the take you back to the bottom level... But the teams have there own Mongoose, and a Soccerball. They can both go through the teleporters without teleporting you, the soccer ball will block the teleporter, so you can make it through the teleporter without teleporting, and the mongoose will let you travel through it no problem, both ways giving you access to the bomb. The mongoose is fast, be can be destroyed if the enemy team gets to your side. The Soccer ball is slower, but it doesnt blow up. Your choice.
My idea, which I will never make, but please give me some credit if you make it, is an infection map. This map is a whole bunch of double and single boxes standing face up, with a few open boxes. The open boxes are covered by shield doors and have Grav lifts or mancannons in them. Zombies spawn in them and must fly out and kill humans.
Maybe nobody liked my last idea, or hasn't seen it yet, it doesn't matter. I've thought of another one that your free to use as well. The map is on Foundry. In the big open area, that thick line in the middle is given a shield wall on each side of it. All fusion coils are used to be falling on different spots throughout the line. The minimum fusion coils is set to 75% of that. Using walls of closed double boxes, long bases are setup along the perimeter of the big open area and parallel to the middle line. Foundry default base areas are blocked away. Now sniper areas are setup at various spots in front of each base, and given one sniper rifle each. The game is setup as a team king of the hill with players spawning with shotguns at their base (each base has a start point for a different team, and no respawn areas are placed, also all spawn points are "neutral" and are only at bases. Players are given 300% damage resistance, or as close to that as possible, and 110% speed. Team score points for getting kills, or being in the hill, controlling the hill uncontested causes score to go up really fast. Each base gets two mongooses, away from spawns and sniper towers, but right in front of the base. That's part of the point of the thread, you can't, since people can just look here and see where you got the idea from.
I was thinking of doing something with the early high ground concept bungie made, particularly the idea of having the level on a big "hill". It'd be really hard to do, but if it was done smooth enough (interlocking?) I think it'd be awesome, hills would be much more interesting to take cover and fight in than randomly placed barriers and boxes.
I had an idea for a multi-flag CTF game that was set up to mimic a neutral flag game. Both teams would spawn in one of the locker rooms or side bases of Foundry, and would have to scale a large pyramid in the center of the map to reach the enemy flag. Once they got to the top, they could either grab the flag or camp there and defend their own flag. There would need to be several ways out of the base and up the pyramid to limit spawn camping. Rough sketch of the idea: I was unable to work on this idea because my 360 was broken so I shared this idea with a buddy of mine who ended up making the map, his way. I also was able to borrow my bro's 360, so I have made the map my way, but I wasn't able to test it extensively enough before my bro took his 360 back so I have not posted it. The only reason I'm posting this as an idea in the Idea Factory is because I'd like to see if other people can come up with interesting ways to do CTF this way. It's like multi-flag, but the flag isn't at your base. It's like neutral flag, but you and your enemy do not spawn on opposite sides of the map, and there are two flags to worry about. Things I learned from my version and my buddy's version: 1. The back hallway of Foundry should be blocked off. I originally wanted it open in case your base was being spawn camped, but it allowed players to take a shortcut to the enemy base and camp there if the enemy had their flag. It was frustrating, because you always knew there would be enemies in your own base. If spawn camping is an issue, I recommend putting a teleporter back there. That way, it's just far enough away to take time to walk to, so that it isn't the preferred method of travel, but only used if there is spawn camping. 2. There need to be plenty of ways up the pyramid. In my buddy's version, players had to go inside the hollow pyramid to get to the second level. While it was a novel concept and expertly Forged, it created too much of a bottleneck, and too much of a detour. I found myself simply grenade jumping to the second and then the third levels, which was not how the map was intended to be played. 3. There need to be enough obstacles so that it takes some time to get to the top. Too many stairs or grav lifts and players will avoid fighting each other and simply run laps up and down the pyramid. Bottlenecks are ok as long as there is a secondary route that either takes more time, makes you more vulnerable, or requires some skillful jumping. I'll post my version as soon as I'm able to, and I'll edit this post with a link to my buddy's version when it gets posted. I'd still like to see other maps created with this type of gameplay, if you guys have nothing else to work on.
Yeah, after seeing Bisquit's pyramid I really wanted to do my own because I really didn't like those bottlenecks. It felt like you had to go way out of your way to get the flag. Problem with the one I'm making though, is it's probably too easy to get to the top and people can run laps. But hopefully it won't be that hard because I opened up the map to vehicles, and there are turrets along the outer edge. So I'm thinking that it'll turn into a huge battle to the top, as it's intended.
These are some really good ideas, I have some but dont want to post in fear of people stealing them. -Donuts
i would post my ideas but i have so many ideas but just decent forging skills if any one can help then contact me.
Well if you did all that would happen is that there are two versions. Like what I posted earlier, my friend had a version and I had a version. Because I only made mine after he made his, I was able to learn from his mistakes, or steal little features that I had not thought of. In the end, it was my idea, plus his ideas, plus more of my ideas after I saw his ideas. It was a collaboration! In my opinion, we need more collaboration in these forums and less glory-hogging. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but it's all about fun games of Halo, not who made the coolest map.
And that is what this thread is for. It give people a chance to post up your ideas and get feedback on them. Everyone can post as many ideas here as they want, I'm still keeping some to myself, because I'm currently creating them or have created them. If you want you can post up ideas here you think are cool and know are possible, but aren't planning on making, to give other forgers a good idea for a map to make, as I have. You can post up an idea you going to make, to kinda reserve and give others and chance to post their opinions about it. Or you can do as Furious D did, and post up a cool idea to get ideas to make it better and to get multiple versions of it.
Didnt mean to double post up there... internet lagged if someone can delete the second one that would be great. -Donuts
I have another idea for a game variant, no custom map required. Human Shield In this VIP game, the VIP would have normal attributes, but everyone else would be special. Other players are invulnerable to all attacks (except assassinations), and would deal no damage. Their job is to throw themselves in the line of fire to protect their VIP. Because the game is set up this way, the teammates have to work together. The normal players are useless by themselves. There should probably be no VIP waypoint so that the regular players can scout for the enemy. Also, the other team would have no idea if they are attacking the "human shield" or the vulnerable VIP. I see this game being played with teams of 2, or maybe 3. More than two teams would be fine, and would probably make for crazy games. Possible problem #1: If a VIP is killed, the next VIP should be selected randomly among living teammates. Otherwise, the VIP would respawn as a normal player and the team would have no VIP until another player dies, which would be difficult because they are all invulnerable. This could cause problems, however. Imagine two teams are fighting (2 VIPs, 2 human shields). One VIP dies, leaving only the human shield alone with the other team. If he becomes vulnerable before his human shield can spawn and find him to help, he will be at a severe disadvantage. Another option is several rounds set to one point only. That way, human shields and VIPs are chosen randomly, and the round ends when a VIP dies. I'd say that first to three would be a good number. However, with more than two teams, it would be frustrating if the round ended before you found anyone because two other teams fought it out. Possible problem #2: This game might not be fun for the human shields because they can't kill anyone. Playtesting would need to be done to make sure they can enjoy the game. Possibly make it so the VIP will spawn with a BR and Mauler, but can't pick up weapons or equipment and then put down all kinds of equipment for the human shields to deploy for their VIPs. Possible problem #3: The specifics for "0% damage" need to be determined. Can a player who deals 0% damage throw damaging grenades? Can they melee people to death? Can they assassinate people? I'd love to answer these questions myself but my 360 is broken. Maybe I'll turn to Beta Waffle. Final Thoughts This game might be a fun little minigame for a while, but I don't see it becoming really popular. I can picture four players shooting at each other, but only two of which are taking or dealing damage. It would be interesting. Still, I'd like to hear what the community thinks about the idea. I'd also appreciate it if someone took 20 minutes to make the gametype and play a test game. Like I said above, I'd like to but my HaloBox is broken.
Assuming you did make a custom map for it, I could see that being pretty cool, Furious D. 0% damage people will only be able to assasinate to do damage. The custom map could be designed so that then you have only two teams, each with one VIP. The map would be very small, with two small bases and little space between them. Then make it one point to win a round, then a new random VIP, as you mentioned.