I'm not sure why but as i search through the threads of forgehub i've found many remakes, i think practacly every map has been made. well exept this one, anyone rember it? Water Works I mean sure it has been a hard map to make as of tis size and layout but i suppose that their are maps were you could make similar versions. I'm not asking to make a map i'm just wondering why?
Waterworks never really stood out to me as a map I'd want to play again, as opposed to something. Sure, you could re-make it just for the heck of it, but I don't see why.
It's always been one of my favioret maps and i can see remakes of a smaaler version on foundry or maybe on avalanche
in my opinion i didn't like water works that much. i guess the reason for me is it's not a memorable map unlike others like midship IMO. also i played that map like 5 times so i forgot it ever existed until now.
There's a coulpe of maps that havnt been remade,( or at least I havnt seen them) Like ascension, midship, sanctuary. there a few more i havnt seen that i cant recall right now. But yeah waterworks is a huge level. I think the fact nobody enjoyed it much was because it was TOO large for 16 players to encounter enough. I personally liked it. thought it did have its issues.