Apparently, you can only choose one column to select your killstreaks from to make it more challenging.
What do you mean by that? Also, if I do buy this game (I probably will because I always get fussed into buying them) I'm gonna ***** out the support killstreaks. That's all I did in mw2 was UAV, UAV Jammer, and emergency airdrop (let teammates pick em up).
You can choose either 3 Assault Killstreaks, 3 Suppport Killstreaks, or the Specialist Killstreaks. No mixing. I don't know. It means that a team that are all using assault killstreaks will never get UAV.
I prefer assault streaks myself, while my friend prefers support. Which means we could wreck anyway. At least that adds a little more strategy to the game.
Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer Gameplay Trailer! - YouTube Would have preferred some actual first person gameplay footage, but I guess that'll be only a few hours away.
go to 1:08 and notice that the Support class killstreaks says, "Killstreaks not reset after death." at 3:02 it looks like you can choose killstreaks that better your perks. I'll end up buying it because I always do.
so apparently MW3 will feature 3 awesome new gametypes that have never been used before on any game EVAR! Infection, Juggernaut, and Dropzone (king of the hill) /angrysarcasm
CoD infection? Oh god. What plagues Reach default Infection: Fast kill times, tons of camping. What is CoD? Fast kill times, tons of camping. No way that will work without MAJOR game changes.
How about that the zombies have guns and deal just as much damage as you? ...I swear you guys try and nit-pick every little piece of this game.
That wasn't mentioned. If they have guns too, then that's even worse IMO, a stupid even faster paced deathmatch. The reason I nitpick as you say is simply because I don't like the direction CoD is headed. I saw the multiplayer trailer and quite honestly if I hadn't been told in advance I could have mistaken it for MW2 DLC. I'm not trying to flame here, and I'm sorry if I offended anyone. I'll just say again, I don't think they're headed in the right direction (at least with MP, I like the SP of IW CoDs to an extent), and haven't been since CoD4.
y u mad tho. Nothing wrong with a little bit of criticism here and there. And if we have a lot to complain about, then that's definitely saying something about the game.
There isn't a whole lot of places you can go with a modern shooter. If it's halo they can just invent a giant circular ****** hole in space on a whim, which leads to 3 new games. They can only work on community feedback and new tweaks to CallofDuty games. There is actually a lot of new things coming to the game and I think we can all appreciate that. Those new game modes won't be played competitively (they shouldn't other than maybe Dropzone), but in Custom Games with more settings to change. Sure, it doesn't have forge, but we could come up with a pretty damn entertaining game of Clue or Mike Myers with it.
You got me, I am a bit mad. More of disappointed, but yeah, you could say i mad. As why: I complain about Reach. I complain about CoD. I might be mad, but that's because there is room for improvement and it's often times so simple I'm frustrated. I played MW2 till third prestige, so I'd be lying if I said I've always hated it, but more and more I realize and can't play any CoD past 4 without getting frustrated, especially playing competitively. I won't go on and explain why as that would probably lead to a more off topic discussion and possibly heated discussion. If I absolutely detested CoD, I wouldn't even bother my time complaining. I think it could be fixed, but is instead focused on getting as much money from as many people as possible. THAT really frustrates me. EDIT: I don't want to do specific details as to what I don't like about the games here because I feel that would be or lead to off topic discussion and possibly flaming.
That wasn't directed towards you, smart one. I posted right as you did. And I agree wholeheartedly towards your other post. bad. And here I was ready to give my story for why I dislike the direction CoD is headed... But yeah, I may rent for the campaign because I want to see how it ends, but I think renting it is the farthest I'm going.