India has a really low unemployment rate in comparison to their population So actually there are plenty of other jobs they can get The reason alot of them choose cus. support is because it is a little more well paying geez i get the point nobody likes whiny little rich xbox kids but im just saying ... they need us
i remember when i called 1 800 for my xbox or whatever its called and i asked this lady if i could change my gametag and she said no so i hung up on her C:
some of you may be aware my xbox was recently broken I rang Microsoft and spoke to this nice American lady who sounded like Microsoft Anna lol. when I told her my 360's serial number, I found they still had the details from my last repair. She told me I need to send it in for repair and that they will do it FREE OF CHARGE yusss! All i have to do is send it away (they pay for that too) I just bought an iPod touch so wasn't looking forward to a NZ$135 fee.. I will recieve a 1 month free trial when i get my 360 back too. Do you think that since I JUST activated my 1 month from a friend's copy of GTA IV they should give me TWO one months?
you have to realise that these people birthed the RRoD, their lives are already miserable whenever they think about where they are going after they die