The Deadpool This ancient alien sacrificial altar dedicated to long since forgotten Gods was re-purposed with the addition of an orbital platform by the UNSC and now serves as an ODSS (Orbital Drop Shock Spartan) training facility. Hi, this is both my second attempt at Forge mapmaking and my second attempt at Forgehub ...and with a little luck it may prove somewhat more successful than my first. This level was built on the basis of 4 way Team-Slayer, although it also supports most other gametypes. It's focal points are the two drop pods, situated in the tower that serves as the center of the level, which lead to the rocket launcher and water based Revenants situated in the sea below the sub-orbital platform. Oh, and yes, this map is Elite friendly. Weapons & Items (standard ammo count unless listed otherwise) Rocket Launcher x 1 (180 sec respawn + 1 spare clip) Energy Sword x 1 (180 sec respawn) Sniper x 2 (180 sec respawn) Grenade Launcher x 1 (150 sec respawn + 4 spare clips) Shotgun x 2 (150 sec respawn) DMR x 6 (90 sec respawn) Needle Rifle x 2 (90 sec respawn) Assault Rifle x 4 (45 sec respawn) Plasma rifle x 2 (45 sec respawn) Needler x 2 (90 sec respawn) Magnum x 4 (30sec respawn + 3 spare clips) Plasma Pistol x 4 (30 sec respawn) Frag Grenade x 8 (45 sec respawn) Plasma Grenade x 6 (45 sec respawn) Mounted Machine Gun x 2 (120 sec respawn) Overshield x 2 (1 sec respawn ...the overshields hold up and release the drop pods so they needed to be on a pretty much instantaneous respawn in order to ensure they were there and ready when the pod respawns, but it worked out to be quite well balanced since it also ensures that anyone who goes down the correct way via the drop pods, rather than via jetpack, will have the benefit of an overshield with which to face the Rocket Launcher/Revenants/Jetpackers down there) Cloak x 1 (120 sec respawn) Jetpack x 2 (60 sec respawn) Evade x 2 (60 sec respawn) Health Pack x 4 (60 sec respawn ...1 in the lower level of each base) Vehicles Revenant x 2 (180 sec respawn) 1 of the 2 Drop Pods (took me absolutely AGES to convince them both to spawn bang on like this every time btw ...oh, and the sword is just above here next to a jump pad which, when combined with both the sword and the cloak it jumps you up through, provides the perfect counter to anyone teleporting back up to the top of the tower with the rocket launcher. The Deadpool. The Rocket Launcher rests upon the rock altar at the center of the pool, the Needle Rifles are leaning against the standing rocks/spires on the side islands and the Teleporters both take you back up to the top of the central tower (although they each feature 2 potential receiver nodes). Yowzers, that's one heck of a drop! (but no need to worry, so long as you have your Overshield when you splashdown you'll be just fine, although if you manage to drop without either an Overshield or Jetpack it'd be a pretty good idea to put your head between your legs and kiss your armored a*s goodbye because you're gonna be making splatdown upon it in a few moments. With the exception of the DMR's on the roofs the 4 main bases only hold default weapons, the snipers, shotguns and mounted guns are all in the corner towers and everything else, with the exception of the weapons down below, is situated in and around the central tower. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... We have launch, the Drop Pod is a go! The rocks forming the surrounding wall on the pool are fully navigable, although please don't try camping/cowering on the outer edges, that was taken into consideration and the rock wall is completely surrounded by a soft kill boundary (the sea outside the radius of the pool, plus any land outside the radius of the platform is an instant kill zone anyways, the safe zone reaches just beyond the outer edges of the platform and the flooring beneath the water is bordered by the rocks). Red Base Corridor (leads to and from central tower, plus provides a pretty good view of both the Rocket Launcher and whatever else may be going on down below) ...all 4 bases are completely symmetrical btw, or at least as symmetrical as was possible to achieve by hand. My Speedboat/Revenant. Red Base front view The orbital platform as seen from down below, *standing directly beneath those Drop Pod chutes is a VERY bad idea btw* ...ahh, Drop Pods, *even more fun when they land on an unwary opponent's head and net me a Drop Pod Splatterkill.*
I like this map for the unique design idea, maps such as these aren't seen that often and for that reason I give kudos to you. As for the map it looks pretty in some aspects, but also very bland as in between the two layers its emptiness, I suggest floating rocks that people can or cannot access (it's really up to you). Also I can understand the bottom floor being open, but likewise the top layer feels to open; if you were going for a space station up there it should be more indoors and close quarters. It just seems that the atmosphere doesn't suit the design, but don't get me wrong I do love the maps design and game play I just feel that the story your trying to give doesn't work for the map. Add sum more aesthetics and this map could be amazing!
Thanks for the encouraging reply, your time and critique is much appreciated. Unfortunately there isn't really much I can do with the suggestions you've made since I used up pretty much all my rocks, walls, blocks and platforms making the map as is, although I have made a slight change to the story in regards to the map in an attempt to make it clear that the platform is not intended to simulate a space-station (although that would've been fun if Bungie had allowed us to use zero gravity on specifically selected areas of our maps such as they did on Anchor 9 instead of all or nothing, wouldn't it , after all, it is only intended to be a training facility, not an actual orbital drop. I'm currently considering giving up the built up wall around the pool and settling for a non navigable slimline wall in order to use your floating rocks idea btw. Unfortunately I can't do anything about it at the moment because my xbox red-ringed this afternoon when I was about to try it, but with a little luck I should be able to pick up a replacement tomorrow so I'll most likely be trying it out in the next couple of days with a version 2. I'm hoping that if I put separate soft kill boundaries on each rock you will be able to jump down from rock to rock and have 10 seconds on each, not sure if separate soft-kill boundaries will work like that or just continue the countdown started on the first rock though, but without a kill boundary the floating rocks would probably just promote sniper camping, so I guess we'll have to wait and see. ok, I just gave it a try on my brothers xbox, and it proved to be a miserable failure, the killzones did just continue the count from the first rock meaning the rocks would have needed to be a no go or risk being a sniper camping hotspot, and putting them up there without them serving any purpose beyond aesthetic appeal would have cost me my functional (in both gameplay terms and making the edge of the safe water area obvious to players terms) pool wall and left me with nothing even remotely aesthetically pleasing to replace it with, but I gave it a try at least. I did add a clip to the Magnums and change the physics of the armor abilities from fixed (because that fixed glitch is genuinely annoying) to normal though, they don't look quite as well placed simply laid out on the floor, but at least they function in the intended manner now, and it also allowed me to up the respawn time on them a little since the main reason I had it set so low before was to try and ensure that fixed/floating gameplay blockers weren't left fixed around my level for too long when someone died whilst using them. I also updated the download link for this slightly modified version.
I love how you use the Drop pods to acess the bottom 'arena'. It's great idea, but seems a little gimmicky.
Well, what can I say, I LOVE a good gimmick, and a good working gimmick generally tends to stand out from the crowd