Hello, I call myself Electronicide, You most likely haven't heard of me, however I love to create maps in forge. This is my most recent maps. It was in the BETA stage of creation for about a week and went through over a dozen changes. Total work time on this map is estimated to be about 24 hours, so I really hope you guys like it. The map is called Outlook. It is a symmetrical map forged above the canyon on Forge World. This is one overview of the map. As you can see, there is a red and blue base, each connected to a tower. Blue to green, and red to orange. Each tower has a drop down and a lift to make travel throughout it easy. This is the second overview of the map. Here, you can see that the red and blue base connect to top middle through an octagonal platform. Each base also has a drop down to bottom red/blue and a jump up for going from bottom red/blue, up. This is the outside of red base. (Same as blue base) This is the inside of blue base. There is a health pack in each base on the same wall. This is top yellow, where sniper spawns. And this is bottom yellow. No power weapons here, but this room has the highest concentration of spawn points. Here we look at top orange. Identical to top green, and as mentioned before, you can see the drop down, (left) and the top of the lift. (top) And if that was top orange, then that would make this bottom green. Again, identical to bottom orange, this room has a shotgun (top right) and a lift. (top left) Here is bottom blue. Where needler spawns and the location of blue jump up. And here's red base. This is called glass, for obvious reasons. This is where top orange and top green connect to top middle. This is under glass, location of the fourth and final health pack on the map. (The third spawns top yellow encase you missed it) This is bottom middle. This is where rockets spawn (left) and also where the lift to top yellow is. (right) And last but not least, where everything comes together, top middle. Nothing special spawns here, but their is a useful jump to top yellow from it. (left) -BONUS-BONUS-BONUS-BONUS-BONUS-BONUS-BONUS-BONUS-BONUS-BONUS-BONUS- I like putting extra stuff in all of my maps. I normally don't tell people about it, but I like you Forge Hub. I hid 5 golf balls on this map. Three are hidden at easy difficulty and two are hidden at moderate difficulty. Plus there is one soccer ball on the map. Hidden at hard difficulty. If you find all five golf balls and the soccer ball, do not touch them. Just make a video of you playing my map on forge, and fly to all of the golf balls and the soccer ball and send it to me on XBL. You will get a prize if you're the first one. I fixed the size of the pictures.
nice map dude, played it with some friends , nice! i found 4 golfs balls , are all the balls inside forgeworld or do you have to glitch to get all the balls?
For the future, don't post pictures like this - it's kind of pointless, we all know what that piece looks like, so taking a picture of the inside really doesn't show you map.
Far enough, however, I altered the inside of the object slightly and it was mainly to show the location of the health pack. I wouldn't post a picture I found useless.
I think this map has a good idea behind it, just a word for you though, COVER, there is a serious lack of cover in the middle, one glass sail on the side just won't do, No cover would just mean a straight flag run in team slayer and a snipers shooting range in multi-team. Just some food for thought.
The map was designed for pure Team Slayer. That's why I didn't include CTF in the supported gametypes. Another thing, the middle is not intended to be a main area for people to be and I didn't want it to be. Which would explain the lack of cover. The idea of this map is to control top yellow. If you don't control yellow base, you will not win. Similar to Blackout in Halo 3 where you have to control "BR Tower". That, or sniper tower/room. But there isn't one of those on this map.