Hello Forgehub! It's been a while, so I figured I'd pop in and show everyone this map I've been working on for quite some time now. (This is my first real map-preview, so in advance, sorry if the way I delivered my map is....well, crappy.) The map is obviously called Placidity, it's a symetrical map, which is so far only set-up for FFA and team slayer(up to 4v4, or 2v2v2v2). I can see it working for 2-flag and possibly one-bomb assault, but until I start going about that, there's no purpose to talk about it. The map is has rotational symmetry. Blue base is diaganol from red base, green base diagonal from orange base. Though, all of the bases are pretty similiar, it's just not the exact same thing. To cut back on the confusion of which base you're at, I obviously colored everything, but I built the map in earshot of the waterfall. You can hear it from Red and green base. I also did that for ambiance, thus the name Placidity. The map currently has 2 Plasma Rifles, 2 Needlers, 4 DMR's, and a neutral Sniper. Now, no Map Preview is complete without pictures obviously, so here are some hastily taken screenshots, because TBH, I just wanted to get this on forgehub ASAP: Third Floor, above Orange 'base.' Second floor near Red Base.(off to the right) Third'-ish' floor, looking out towards blue/green walkways. If you were to turn around, thats where the sniper would be. Another screenshot taken from the sniper area, at a different angle, with all 3 floors in sight. Hovering over red-base, looking out towards the center of the map. Like I said, hastily taken screenshots, I might have some more up later, showing the sniper and the spawn points. Hopefully, I can get some action-shots of this map later too.
Anyways, back to the topic at hand, this map looks really nice, but I can't seem to tell what is going on. There are a mixture of Blocks and Walls being used as the ground. How many blocks do you have left? Personally, I think you should stick to Blocks as being the ground. The walls look quite ugly. (Not the Map) Do you die if you fall in the water, or is there something being used as a ground? But anyways, this is a pretty cool map. Keep it up. Oops, nevermind. The walls act as a bridge of some sort. Forget everything I said. EDIT: Sorry Psychoduck and Inferno, the guy was just some random retard. Haha, how old are you? Apparently your spelling makes you seem like you're what, 12? I have no life? I'm flattered.
Inferno, you still need to put this in the TG. I wanna play it soon. the neutral sniper will be an interesting weapon for the map I think. Hopefully the map will play well, as I'm not sure exactly how it will play yet. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Crysis: I actually ran out of building blocks(lol), and you do die in the water which is a complaint about the first two tests of the map, 4 of us within a minute died on the second test oddly enough. It's a first test to go, I didn't expect a rainbow fly out of my tv at the end of the match, as opposed to hateful feedback about how my map sucks. Luckily, I didn't get either, but there's still things to be done. Duck: I gotta do a good description for my map first, since I don't have that yet, it's just gonna be some testing with me and my friends, like...for instance, those first two tests we did. XD So I have to do loadout cameras, add health packs(forgot, oops), and add some railings, because the way I want this map to work is have some sprint/crouch/tactical jumps involved, along with the threat of death if you're not being careful.