MLG Remediation

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Superflydemon, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. Superflydemon

    Superflydemon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Remediation is a 4v4 symmetrical Mlg map based off of Midship, Dont let it fool you, the 2 maps have their differences.

    Dmr x4
    Needler Rifle x4
    Sniper x1
    Rockets x 1
    Evade x 1
    Frag Grenade x4
    Plasma Grenade x4
    Health pack x 2


    Red Base:

    Sniper spawn

    Sniper Ramps

    Rockets Spawn:

    Bottom Rocket Spawn:


    Video Walkthrough:
    Halo Reach - Remediation Walkthrough - Superflydemon - YouTube

    Gameplay Video
    Remediation Gameplay - FFA - (Version 1) - YouTube

    -Created by Superflydemon
    #1 Superflydemon, Aug 16, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2011
  2. Minister Muffin

    Minister Muffin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map is very eye catching. You make good use with the brace, large which I do a lot. The aesthetics aren't the greatest, but are okay IMO. I like the style of the map. It seems to be somewhat "vertical" if that makes sense. I see how this is based off of midship from halo 2.
  3. Superflydemon

    Superflydemon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I have uploaded a gameplay video of a ffa on the map, the video isnt up to date as far as the maps progression, since then i have made some changes such as adding a ramp in the bottom of each base, and altering the man cannon room.
  4. J HaDlEy 616

    J HaDlEy 616 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm usually sceptical about remakes or semi-remakes as they usually end up being a disapointment, however I think you did a really good job with this. From the video's it looks great and gameplay really shows off how much time and effort you have put into the map. I'll download it when I get back home and try it out properly but from everything here it lookd pretty good.

    P.S. Choke on the overkill!
  5. RejectedSnail

    RejectedSnail Ancient
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    You can tell that you had Midship in mind, but there are a few things that you should fix. The map itself seems a bit to small, I would extend most of the map. Also the middle should be redone because it is much to small and there really isn't a line of sight from base to base. Bottom middle looks pretty good, but with altering top mid you might have to change it a bit. This may all sound mean, but just tryin' yo help out to make it more MLG worthy. If you would like help with it just let me know, add me on XboxLive RejectedSnail.

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